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Re: Word for Today, Mon, 16 Aug 2005: Why?

Posted by: henriqueps <henriqueps@...>

Hi Brian,

I pray God touch Ron, Betty, all their relatives and all of us, their
brethren in Christ.
I have a friend, who is fighting against cancer too. Doctors have tried a
new treatment
with MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES. I found some information in the Net:

Monoclonal Antibodies

Provided by CancerConsultants
Another approach is to deliver additional treatment that is directed
specifically to the cancer cells and avoids harming the normal cells.
Monoclonal antibodies are specialized proteins that can locate cancer
cells and kill them directly or stimulate the immune system to attack the
cancer cells. Several monoclonal antibodies are being evaluated alone or
in combination with chemotherapy to determine whether they can improve
cure rates. The 17-IA monoclonal antibody has been shown to improve
survival in patients with colorectal cancer in Germany. Although the
17-IA monoclonal antibody is not yet available in the United States,
clinical trials are ongoing throughout the world to further evaluate the
potential use of this monoclonal antibody

God bless

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