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RE: Word for Today, Mon, 28 Mar 2005: Weekly Verses

Posted by: jeanne_manhood <jeanne_manhood@...>

Dear Brian, my dear old friend,
Yes, I have also learned and sometimes the hard way that nothing can
replace private time with the Lord. I talk to Father all throughout the
day and I have the Bible on tapes so I can listen to them while I work.
And when I listen to these tapes, I feel and know that this is indeed the
"living" word inspired by Father himself. That is what is so magical about
this wonderful book. I also think writing a journal is a good thing but
personally, I find it hard to do consistently. But when I did write, and I
have gone back and looked over the journal, I can see what Father is
working on in my life and the growth I also see. Oh, yes there are days
that I take one step back and two forward but it is not how many times we
step off the path but that it is the journey and to keep going in the right
direction. Ask Father and he will indeed help you. He enjoys having a
relationship with his children. God bless each of you.

Jeanne Manhood
970 Cauthen Court NE
Marietta, Georgia 30066-3203

Be Still and Let God

> [Original Message]
> From: Brian Masinick <>
> To: 1Cor7 Prayers <>
> Cc: Larry Davies <>
> Date: 3/28/2005 9:33:59 PM
> Subject: [1Corinthians7] Word for Today, Mon, 28 Mar 2005: Weekly Verses
> Word for Today, Mon, 28 Mar 2005: Weekly Verses
> Dear friends,
> I really have not been able to write my own columns much at all
> in recent months, nor have I even been able to get out daily
> devotional messages with any regularity. It is my earnest prayer
> that each of you have established your own personal relationship
> with our Lord, and that you have established your own habits
> regarding Bible reading, study, prayer time, and thinking about
> the things of God. Moreover, it is my prayer that you have also
> established your own resources. is but one of many
> online resources that you can use to do your own online research.
> is another really good online source. Of course,
> nothing replaces having a good old fashioned and trustworthy
> Bible at your study desk, your reading chair, and/or your bedside
> table.
> If you don't have your own personal time with God each day, if I
> share nothing else with you, I urge each one of you to have a
> private time with God, regardless of what you find or do not find
> in your computer's Email box.
> My goal in this ministry is simply to provide you with some tools
> and give you some things to think about. Ultimately, each of us
> will have to give an account to our gracious and loving God. If
> we trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, realizing that
> we desperately need Him to forgive us for the wrongs we do and
> the things we neglect to do, then when we go to meet our Lord, we
> will meet Him at the Judgment Seat of Christ. In that place, we
> will find that all of our sins will have been washed clean. We
> will then have to give an account, however, of what we have done
> with the freedom we have found in Christ. On the other hand, if
> we have never really completely trusted in Christ as our only
> source of hope, the only One who can really save us from our own
> sin, then we will face a very scary eternity. We will have to
> give an account of our lives at the Great White Throne, and we
> will have no defense.
> Make sure that you understand what all of this means. Read your
> own Bibles, and ask trustworthy people for answers. I am always
> willing to talk to anyone, yet I encourage each of you to find
> trustworthy Christians where you live - for accountability, for
> sharing your faith, for people to talk and share with, for
> friendship, and for extending your local Christian community. By
> the way, all of those things are acts of obedience that you will
> understand when you faithfully read God's Word, the Bible, and
> apply it daily to your personal life.
> These are some of the things that really matter to me.
> Yours in Christ,
> Brian
> ____________________________
> To forward this email, please use the following link:
> Weekly Verses
> from
> March 28, 2005
> These verses are taken from Heartlight Daily Verse, by Phil Ware
> ~~~~~~~~~
> Jesus said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must
> deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For
> whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses
> his life for me will save it.
> --Luke 9:23-24
> New International Version
> "I've just got to find myself." Won't ever happen. We do
> not "find ourselves, our life" by pursuing it. We find it by
> losing it to something or someone greater than ourselves. We
> find our life be losing it to Jesus and the work of his Kingdom.
> Master and Maker of all that lives and breathes, take my life
> and every breath and use it for your glory. May my words and
> actions this day be pleasing to you. Through Jesus I offer you
> this prayer and praise. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are
> justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came
> by Christ Jesus.
> --Romans 3:23-24
> New International Version
> "I blew it!" Come to think of it, we've all blown it! We
> don't measure up. We're not divine. We might be decent, but
> decent won't do. Only the divine, the truly righteous, make it
> past the grave in glory. Thank God that grace is freely given
> and the price for our sin was paid by Jesus. While I "blew it"
> he renewed it!
> Kind and Loving Father, thank you for being so generous with
> your grace. May I be as passionate for your righteousness as
> you were in redeeming me from my sin. Through Jesus I ask
> this. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you... that
> Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he
> was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according
> Scriptures.
> --1 Corinthians 15:1-4
> New International Version
> The Gospel story is pretty simple to understand. The grace
> of the Gospel is glorious to receive. The sacrifice of the
> Gospel is incomprehensible. The victory of the Gospel is life.
> Almighty Lord, thank you for the empty tomb and Jesus'
> victory over the grave. Just as Jesus' death pardoned my sin,
> his resurrection assures my future. Thank you for grace and
> glory. May my life today be lived by the power of the
> resurrection. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> This is why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's
> servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone
> what you owe him. If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then
> revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
> --Romans 13:6-7
> New International Version
> Owe! Tax day. Not my favorite, how about yours? But where
> would we be without government, order and laws? While we may
> not like how the system functions today, what if we had no
> system? Let's be redemptive in our living and obedient in our
> citizenship.
> Holy God, I thank you that I am free in you and belong to no
> man or power. Yet because I want your name to be respected, I
> pledge to obey the laws of this land as long as they do not run
> directly in contradiction to your will. At the same time, I
> fervently pray that you heal our land. Through Jesus I pray.
> Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to
> love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled
> the law.
> --Romans 13:8
> New International Version
> He paid a debt and I owe one. Thank God I don't owe the debt
> for my sin, but I owe others the same love, respect and grace
> with which God has treated me!
> Holy God who owns all things, I thank you for not just owning
> me, but for having bought me out of slavery, sin, and death.
> Please kindle love in my heart through the Holy Spirit so I will
> love others as you do. In Jesus' name.
> Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are
> perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
> --1 Corinthians 1:18
> New International Version
> Power! We love power. We love the sound and fury of power.
> We love the ability to change things that power brings. But the
> greatest power ever unleashed on this earth was the power
> displayed when the Almighty God held back his power while his
> Son was persecuted and murdered so we could be saved. Now
> that's an awesome display of power.
> Holy and Majestic God on high, I praise you for your
> incredible might and power. But I also thank you for your love,
> which guides the release of that power. Thank you for knowing
> that I am but dust without your sustaining Spirit. Thank you
> for saving me by withholding your mighty power so I could be
> pardoned by your sacrificial power. Through Jesus' mercy I
> offer this prayer. Amen. ~~~~~~~~~
> If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
> your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
> For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
> and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
> --Romans 10:9-10
> New International Version
> Imagine Jesus being proud of you! He said if we confess him
> before others here on earth, he will speak up for us in heaven.
> Confessing that Jesus is Lord is simply acknowledging the truth.
> But for believers, it is more than that, since at the close of
> time every knee will bow and every tongue confess his name. For
> us, confessing Jesus is anticipating his triumph in which we
> will share.
> Mighty God, your Son is my Lord. I love him and praise him
> for his redeeming sacrifice. I thank him for his conquest of
> the grave. I marvel at his sacrificial and triumphant grace.
> Jesus is Lord. I know it sounds sweet in your ears so I say it
> again, Jesus is my Lord. Thank you for being so great that you
> would be so sacrificial. Through my Lord and Savior I offer
> this thanks. Amen.
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