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Re: Word for Today, Thu, 23 Jan 2003: Transformed By Insight

Posted by: vmwusa_2000 <vmwusa_2000@...>

Dear Brian,
Thanks for sharing Oswald Chambers' message for January 23.
I'm a recruiter so, I can certainly empathize with your situation of finding a
job today. Please let me know if you'd like my help with your job search.

In the mean time, you may wish to take a look at an article of mine which, over
the last 12 years or so, has helped many people to tighten up their resumes as
well as their job search:

In addition, I have a collection of job search web sites which you're welcomed to
have a copy of if you'd like. Please let me know. And I'd be more than happy to
share your resume with some of my recruiter friends who are Christians.

Finally, I wish to PERSONALLY THANK YOU for this inspirational message from
Oswald Chambers today!

By the way: In addition to being a professional recruiter, I'm also an amateur
acronymist and love creating words to help spread God's Word. So, after
reading Oswald Chambers' message for Jan 23, and seeing the emphasis placed on
"concentration on God", I created this acronym on which you may wish to COGITATE:

Concentration On God
Is The Answer To Everything!

May God continue to bless you and yours,
-Vincent Wright
Independent Recruitment Consultant and Fisher for Christ
"Only Belief Empowers You!" (OBEY!)

Brian Masinick wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Do you know what it is like to be exposed? I don't mean
> physically exposing our bodies, I mean exposing our deeds. In
> today's message, the late Oswald Chambers, in his well known "My
> Utmost For His Highest" devotional series, writes about the
> transformed nature of a person who has been filled with the
> Spirit of our Holy God.
> I have to confess that the search for full time, stable
> employment so that I can support my family continues to at least
> attempt to battle and obscure my personal relationship with God.
> I've had my moments, but actually, as I struggle, I end up
> yearning for God even more. It is my prayer that whether you
> find yourself in a comfortable or uncomfortable position today,
> you would not allow even what seems to be the essentials in life
> to cloud or interfere with your personal relationship with God.
> After all, God made all things, and He knows just what we need.
> We're the ones who often have difficulty seeing it, and I'm the
> first in line to admit that!
> Thanks be to God for His great patience with me!
> Your Brother in Christ,
> Brian
> My Utmost for His Highest
> Transformed By Insight
> "We all, with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of
> the Lord, are changed into the same image." 2 Corinthians 3:1
> The outstanding characteristic of a Christian is this unveiled
> frankness before God so that the life becomes a mirror for other
> lives. By being filled with the Spirit we are transformed, and
> by beholding we become mirrors. You always know when a man has
> been beholding the glory of the Lord, you feel in your inner
> spirit that he is the mirror of the Lord's own character. Beware
> of anything which would sully that mirror in you; it is nearly
> always a good thing, the good that is not the best.
> The golden rule for your life and mine is this concentrated
> keeping of the life open towards God. Let everything else -
> work, clothes, food, everything on earth - go by the board,
> saving that one thing. The rush of other things always tends to
> obscure this concentration on God. We have to maintain ourselves
> in the place of beholding, keeping the life absolutely spiritual
> all through. Let other things come and go as they may, let other
> people criticize as they will, but never allow anything to
> obscure the life that is hid with Christ in God. Never be
> hurried out of the relationship of abiding in Him. It is the one
> thing that is apt to fluctuate but it ought not to. The severest
> discipline of a Christian's life is to learn how to keep
> "beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord."
> Heartlight wants to thank Oswald Chambers Publications for their
> kind permission to make this available on our website.
> Taken from My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers. (c)
> l935 by Dodd Mead & Co., renewed (c) 1963 by the Oswald Chambers
> Publications Assn., Ltd., and is used by permission of Barbour
> Publishing, Uhrichsville, Ohio. All rights reserved.
> =====
> --
> Brian Masinick,
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