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Re: Word for Today, Tue, 04 Jan 2004: Following Him

Posted by: jeanne_manhood <jeanne_manhood@...>

WOW! It sure is hard to wait, isn't it? We keep asking Him what His will is for our lives and sometimes we don't hear anything. so we wait. and we wait. Patience is a hard learned trait. I know it was for me. And then, there that thing of where we go ahead and "help" God out. Like Sara, Abraham's wife; by giving him her maidservant to give them a son. Now let's look at the consequences of that action. Still happening, isn't it?
I try to think of incidences in the Bible where we humans try and help Father out. so I don't do the same thing!!!
Well, he doesn't need my help nor yours. In fact, He wants us to give our problems over to Him and have the faith to know that He will take care of us.
Sometimes, I have to tell myself that every hour of every day.
Be patient...............remember that Father created us and knows what is best for us and He wants us to succeed. Now, go and find someone to share that beautiful smile with.
Sounds like I have it all together, doesn't it? Well, I am married to a person that does not believe there is a God..... and I have been diagnosed depression with anxiety. My husband does not understand this and his anger and hostility makes it really really hard on me. and yes, you can say a prayer for us but I wanted to tell you that so that you would know that you are not alone. Sometimes, just the sharing of our pain helps more than just one. God Bless each and everyone of you.
In Christ,
Ask and it will be given to you
Seek and you will find
Knock and the door and it will be opened to you
from Matthew 7: 7-8

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Masinick
To: 1Cor7 Prayers
Cc: Larry Davies
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 5:54 PM
Subject: [1Corinthians7] Word for Today, Tue, 04 Jan 2004: Following Him

Word for Today, Tue, 04 Jan 2004: Following Him
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from Oswald Chambers' My Utmost
For His Highest, courtesy of an Email list subscription I have at Oswald Chambers has been one of my
favorite Christian writers for some time, probably my favorite
devotional writer. I have Utmost in my own personal library and
I can get at it online, too, so I often do so.

I recommend that each of you establishes a personal time when you
set aside a time each day to read God's Word, think about what it
says, then spend some time specifically conversing with God about
what you have read. Ask God to reveal Himself to you personally
each and every day.

Then don't close off the conversation, remain close with God
throughout the day, especially if you are busy and stressed out.

It's definitely good to have a private time with God when it is
quiet and no one is around. That may be difficult for some of
you. If so, just pick a time when you can chill out, morning,
noon, or night. If possible, keep it at the same time, if not,
make due with what you can work out.

I get some of my quiet time when I am in my basement working on
my computer. I can stop computer work and pick up my Bible (or
use one online). Another thing I can do is listen to the Bible
on tape or CD while traveling. IF you find yourself unable to
spend quiet time with God any other way, try turning off the
radio and spend time with Him during your commute (if that's what
you do). That might even ease the stress of the commute!

Yours in Christ,


January 4, 2005


Peter said unto Him, Lord, why cannot I follow Thee now?

John 13:37

There are times when you cannot understand why you cannot do what
you want to do. When God brings the blank space, see that you do
not fill it in, but wait. The blank space may come in order to
teach you what sanctification means, or it may come after
sanctification to teach you what service means. Never run before
God's guidance. If there is the slightest doubt, then He is not
guiding. Whenever there is doubt - don't.

In the beginning you may see clearly what God's will is - the
severance of a friendship, the breaking off of a business
relationship, something you feel distinctly before God is His
will for you to do, never do it on the impulse of that
feeling. If you do, you will end in making difficulties that will
take years of time to put right. Wait for God's time to bring it
round and He will do it without any heartbreak or
disappointment. When it is a question of the providential will of
God, wait for God to move.

Peter did not wait on God, he forecast in his mind where the test
would come, and the test came where he did not expect it. "I will
lay down my life for Thy sake." Peter's declaration was honest
but ignorant. "Jesus answered him ... The cock shall not crow,
till thou hast denied Me thrice." This was said with a deeper
knowledge of Peter than Peter had of himself. He could not follow
Jesus because he did not know himself, of what he was
capable. Natural devotion may be all very well to attract us to
Jesus, to make us feel His fascination, but it will never make us
disciples. Natural devotion will always deny Jesus somewhere or

MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST - by Oswald Chambers //
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