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RE: Word for Today, Tue, 18 Feb 2002: Lenton Reflections, Part One

Posted by: kevin_mellor <kevin_mellor@...>


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Masinick []
Sent: 19 February 2002 20:55
To: 1Cor7 Prayers
Cc: Larry Davies
Subject: [1Corinthians7] Word for Today, Tue, 18 Feb 2002: Lenton
Reflections, Part One

Dear friends,

It is almost hard to believe, but the season of Lent is already
underway! The celebration of Easter comes before the end of
March this year, so the Lenton season, beginning with Ash
Wednesday has already begun and past! This is a season in which
we also remember the events of Jesus life. For those of you who
have been reading these messages for some time, you may recall
that we discussed Advent - the time of preparation before the
celebrated day of Jesus Christ's birth.

In a similar way, Lent is also a season of preparation -
remembering the events leading up to the death and resurrection
of Jesus Christ.

I recently subscribed to a Lenton mailing list from, and I've already receieved nearly a full week
of Lenton devotional messages! This is one that I would like to
share with you. I do so in order that you may find out about the
series, if you're not already aware of it, and I also share this
particular message because it fits in well with the general theme
that we've been exploring for some time now - cultivating our
personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

For those of you who have been Christians for some time, the
events leading up to Jesus death may be well known - so well
known, in fact, that it is easy to miss something new that God
may be saying to each of us.

I pray, not only for myself, but for each one of us, that we may
consider the extent of what Jesus Christ went through to
demonstrate His love to us - the love of God, demonstrated in the
HUMAN FLESH of Jesus Christ. You see, Jesus Christ was fully
human, but He IS also fully God. How do we explain such things?
Well, I'm not the Creator, so I do not make the rules, nor do I
explain everything. I do earnestly seek to know Him as much as
my limited abilities allow. I pray that you, too, will seek Him
- and FIND Him - today.

Your Brother in Christ,

Wishing you a blessed and holy Lent!

You have received this message because you have signed up to
receive daily devotions from during Lent. We
have chosen excerpts from one of the array of devotionals
available at We hope that this service
enhances your journey through the season of Lent and prepares
you for the festal shout on Easter morning: He is risen!

The following is excerpted from "Contemplating the Cross" by
Tricia McCary Rhodes (Bethany House Publishers, 1998).

February 19, 2002
The Beginning of the End


Think about the Cross for a few minutes. What images come to your
mind? Does the thought of the Cross touch you deeply or has
familiarity with it produced complacency?

Read John 17:1-18; Luke 22:39

Tonight on this mountain great anguish awaits the Messiah, but
has he agonized over the coming crucifixion here before. The full
moon illuminates the way, regal cypress trees swaying in the
breeze against the sable sky. Surely a quiet gloom accompanies
them; Jesus talking, the men trying to keep pace, not wanting to
miss a word.


The journey to the Cross is one of introspection. It is a time
for deep mourning over the sins we have committed, which nailed
Jesus there. In Scripture, ashes were a sign of repentance (see
Job 42:6; Jeremiah 6:26; and Matthew 11:21). Many people begin
their journey to the Cross on Ash Wednesday (first day of the
Lenten season) by having a cross of ashes put on their foreheads
to symbolize their repentance of sin and desperate need for a

Today, reflect on your own need for a Redeemer. Consider your
personal sin and disobedience. Embrace a sense of mourning
before God as you begin this journey. Through eyes of grief,
receive the love of Christ who died for you. When God has spoken
or moved you in some way, write a prayer of response in your
prayer journal.

A Prayer

Lord, let me walk with you through these final moments. Let me
hold your hurt, live in your loneliness, and experience what is
cost you. For somehow, in embracing your pain, I may comprehend
your love. Perhaps by grappling with your grief, I can conceive
of your commitment to me. I know I cannot come to the Cross
without being changed. Let me walk with you, Jesus-make me ready
for the journey.

If you enjoyed the abridged version of today's devotional, you may
want to purchase "Contemplating the Cross" at:

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