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RE: Word for Today, Tue, 23 Oct 2001: Dealing With Baggage

Posted by: jmanhood <jmanhood@...>

Emotional baggage? Yes indeed. I was just speaking to one of our readers
about that very thing. How do we let go? Oh, we want to but why do we hang
on? It just does not seem to be as easy as it sounds.................. So,
I am excited to hear what Neil has to say regarding letting go. Oh dear
Father, I pray that I can let go and move on. What was it our dear friend
Paul said? "The things I want to do, I do not do and the things I don't
want to do, I do" Satan, get behind me. How many times a day do we have to
say that? But to encourage myself, I have seen positive growth in the right
direction so I really should not beat up myself so badly but it is so
And, I also suppose that most of you go through the same battle day after
day, right? Oh come on now, does it mean that all the rest of you are
perfect? No? Then maybe you can share with the rest of us so we won't feel
like we are the only ones...............It is when you know that you are
going through the same struggles and are not alone that there is connection
and that is what being a Christian is all about. I like feeling connected
to others, especially Christians. Being a Christian doesn't mean you have
to appear "perfect". We used to think that way, didn't we? Actually, I
feel much closer to someone when they share a part of their life and their
pain because they have made a decision to be vulnerable and that takes a
mighty "tall" person in my book to do that.
Well, I shall close but can I challenge you to touch someone, hug someone
and ask them how they are (and mean it) and be willing to share a part of
your life with them? That person may be hurting and need to hear that you
have had the same pain.........just maybe. God loves you.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of
God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your
minds in Christ Jesus"........Philippians 4:6-7
Jeanne Manhood
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