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Re: Beatles

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

>From: "Marc Miller" <>

> > Can any of you who don't like the Beatles explain this one to me?
>I'll take a stab at this, being that I'm not a Beatles fan. Be forwarned-
>the following post contains a heavy dose of "just my opinion".
>Actually, to be perfectly accurate, it's not that I'm not a fan- it's just
>that I find them boring.

My opinion;

As with any art form, it is nothing more than a matter of personal taste.
This is something which should never require personal validation of any
sort, and more often than not, is beyond the realm of logical explaination.
I like some of their stuff, i find some boring. The same holds true for
certain songs on which Jamerson played. Which songs and why? just something
inside me which is moved or not moved, as the case may be.

There are a few songs by the Rolling Stones I like, and many which sound
like a jr high school garage band after too much beer. I know people who
would think that a good thing. I do not find them visually appealing. For
the most part, they are middle class, college educated Londoners pretending
to be poor black southern bluesmen.

There is some stuff from Motown which is great, but then there are some
which makes me fall asleep due to an endless, unchanging groove from
Jamerson. There is not a band, soloist or genre' of which I can not say the
same. Well, except for a few; just right now i can not think of anything
done by Madonna, Spears, or M. Jackson which are worthy of remembering.
Obviously someone likes them.

I love Golden Earing's RADAR LOVE and the entire album on which it occured.
Yet TWILIGHT ZONE could not explain to me why it was ever in the top 10.

I am trying to get one of my bands to learn "Helter Skelter", but with a
harder, more contemporary, alt rock tempo and feel. I love that song. Why?
Because I do, and that is good enough for me, and beyond my ability to
explain. It just makes my heart pump, sort of like the feeling of sky
diving, adrenalin rush. The stuff by the Beatles I do not like; I don't
understand why YESTERDAY is the most cover recorded song in history. There
is nothing about it which takes hold of me. OK, it is sentimental but for my
part, nostalgia just isn't what it use to be.

Interesting how the Liverpool sound was so upbeat and positive, and the
London sound was so down and dirty, and harsh and complaining. Liverpool's
economy and standard of living was so much lower back then, one would have
thought it would have been the other way around. I always found "Mother's
Little Helper" to be disingenuous, self-rightious and hypocritical.

I hear the kids waking from naps. I can now clean the carpeting.

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