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RE: Bible copyright, etc.

Posted by: tfegan <tfegan@...>

Greetings once again,

After having experienced six semesters each of Hebrew and Greek, I have no
problem with translators having a copyright on their work; and that's what
it is, work. What's more, as Rik posted, most translators are fairly
generous in how much one can quote without permission. FWIW, my favorite
translations include the NIV, NASB, NLT, The Message, Young's Literal (for
the fact that it's fairly literal), and the USB Greek (though I still, on
occasion, experience Post Traumatic Greek Disorder induced flashbacks from
writing endless papers for my Greek III class ;-).

Speaking of experiences, I had a bit of a spiritual experience driving home
from work this evening. The northern upper peninsula of Michigan is under
blizzard and winter storm watches-warnings (depending on the location). The
good news is that my supervisor sent two of us home early (we each live
about 30+ miles away). So, we both did quite a lot of praying driving in
very low visibility (I drive by faith, not by sight ;-), blowing snow, and
snow-covered roads. I averaged about 25 mph, no thanks to my nearly bald
tires. Nonetheless, I'm thankful to be home safe, though I can still feel
the adrenaline pumping through my system from dealing with the stress of it
all. Guess what I'll be shoveling tomorrow. 🙂

Speaking of bass, I did my first recording of bass with my VS 2480 the other
day. This was after programming a drum track (in stereo, I'm looking for a
drum machine with individual outs) and a rhythm guitar track (in stereo
too). Although I'm somewhat comfortable at wearing either the musician or
technician hats, I'm finding it a challenge to have both on at the same
time, or at least switching between the two. I think, also, what's taking
some time is keeping my objectivity. There seems to be a point in the
process where the law of diminishing returns kicks in, so I take a break or
stop for the night. Though, my work schedule is helping not spend too much
time at once staying in the recording process (that's sort of a blessing and
a curse at the same time).

The other interesting thing that occurred to me is that it seems like both
the drum tracks and the guitar tracks went down fairly easily; especially
compared to the bass track. I'm not 100% happy with the bass, but it's okay
for something that is more of a learning experience than a product for sale.
A relentless cold has kept me from doing any vocal work, but I've been
feeling better over the past few days, so I should be adding some vocal
tracks one of these nights (there's a lot less noise around here at night,
which helps keep the telephone ring and traffic noise out of the acoustic
tracks) and then some guitar and organ fills (think I'll use a pancreas or a
kidney on this one).

In any event, before this post reaches donl proportions ;-), I'm enjoying
the learning curve of it all without having to stress out about paying for
recording time. Hopefully I'll have something presentable by the end of the

p.s. I can hear the wind picking pretty good outside ...the snow is even
falling sideways at times. "Jingle bells, jingle bells...." (everybody

In Christ,
Tim Fegan <
"I have never met a person I could despair of,
or lose all hope for, after discerning what lies
in me apart from the grace of God." --Oswald Chambers