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RE: {BIBLE} versification

Posted by: tfegan <tfegan@...>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wulf Forrester-Barker []
> Maybe it won't be too long before we're reading our Bibles
> on electronic paper, which will allow us to search for a
> passage, display it in context and then hide the verse
> numbers until we want to pop them up for reference?
> Wulf
> -----Original Message-----

Electronic paper? Would my Dell laptop qualify? My most used "Bible" is
BibleWorks 5 software, which has some great configuration options. I've
sometimes refered to my paper copies of Bibles as my "portable Bible,"
though that distinction has faded after getting an NIV translation on my
Palm Pilot. The one thing I don't have in the collection is a pocket
protector with the inspirational, royalty-free, KJV printed on the front.

In Christ,
Tim Fegan <
"I have never met a person I could despair of,
or lose all hope for, after discerning what lies
in me apart from the grace of God." --Oswald Chambers