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Re: {GEAR} GAS Time... big time

Posted by: kendale <kendale@...>

Erin stated:
| I also hope to make a little pilgrimage to Bass NorthWest in the next
| month or two for a field trip to try stuff out.

I stopped by Bass Northwest for my first time on the way to the Summit. For
better or for worse I was only able to browse for 1/2 an hour. From this
brief visit, I'd highly recommend them. Nice knowledgeable staff and a
surprisingly good selection for the floorspace they have.

I thought I was in heaven when I opened the door only to be standing in
front of an Ampeg SVT stack with an MTD 535 on top of it. I used to have an
SVT 8x10 cab and loved it. But I don't drive a truck nor have the back to
own one of those again...