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Re: [Gear] Tascam Bass Trainer

Posted by: scbaumann <scbaumann@...>

You can EQ the low frequencies out, but you will also lose the bass track. Although, you can also approach this from another direction. You can boost or enhance the bass frequencies, this will most likely help you to determine the bass as opposed to the bass drum. Overall, I really like the BT-CD1, I use it almost everyday.


> From:
> Date: 2003/12/04 Thu AM 12:09:22 EST
> To:
> Subject: [CB] [Gear] Tascam Bass Trainer
> Sherry, I think, mentioned she had the Tascam CDBT1 BassTrainer. Can you
> tell me if you can somehow EQ out the bass drum during the looping? (hope that
> makes sense to you!) Funny, how when I play I like/need the drummer (not just
> b/c he's my son!), but when I'm trying to learn/transcribe that bass drum gets
> in my way of hearing . . .
> thanks,
> db
> (Donna)