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RE: {MUSIC} The Beatles revisited, only naked

Posted by: tstakes <tstakes@...>

James opined:
"...if it wasn't for them and I know most music played in church would
still...well, be boring."

To which Jay retorted:
"Sorry to say but most music played in churches today still is boring, just
with different instruments. I don't play it because for the music, I play
it for the service of worship. Good thing, I think, because the music
isn't really that great. If you want to the Beatles for
what we have today..."

To which I ask:
What music are you playing at your church that you find so "boring"? Do you
think that God is pleased by it? Could you do anything to change it? Is
He, like so many consumers, impressed by a mediocre offering just because
it's in His name? I think not...

