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RE: [MUSIC] Was Little Drummer Boy, now Tamborines

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

>From: "Andrew Ky Haynes" <>

>Chetin said: About half way through the show, the lead took the tambourine
>away from the soprano!
>I loved it. It drives me crazy when the choir director hands a tambourine
>to someone who has no sense of the beat.

The worst and, by my experience, most frequent sin is the singer holding the
mike in one hand and the tambourine in the other, hitting it against the
mike hand, or too close to the mike if a mike stand is used. Then, it is not
only out of time, it is the only thing coming through the monitors.

I think of the tambourine as being an audiance instrument, akin to clapping
hands. For me, that works. It's too far away, and with out volume so it does
not mess up the beat.

I am an amature firearms historian. Did you know the invention of the 45 cal
Thompson Sub-machinegun came right after the advent of frequent use of
tamborine in American music? I do not think this was a matter of chance.

Just food for thought from your happy but "odd" Turkish uncle.

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