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Re: [NBC] I Met Chetin Basaran

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

>From: "Derek & Amy Pearsall" <>

>Forgive the lag in posting, but I have to tell you about my experience
>meeting Chetin Basaran and his family. THE nicest group of folks you could
>ever hope to meet! Chetin and his fam are on the Outer Banks of NC, as
>of you know, and it happens that he isn't too far from where I'm stationed
>in Virginia.

Hail and well met, Derek. Every inch a soldier! We sat and talked, while
watching the chicklettes playing at the indoor play ground of the food court
at Chesapeake, VA's Greenbriar mall.

I tested the amp, using my mixer and my bass cab. Seems to work OK, but i
think replacing that left channel control is a good idea before we start
going into the paint removal business. That amp puts out some heavy duty

I was waiting a little longer before i made this post, but now is as good a
time as any. I wanted to write about a certain experience which has humbled
me to no end, and lifted me again. Here it is;

>I happened to have a power amp collecting dust in my garage
>that I was led to donate to the cause. He is starting an outreach band,
>I'm psyched for him and his mates and the opportunity for them to minister
>to others 'in the world'. Not an easy task, but from my experience in
>chatting with him for an hour or two, he's just the man for it.

I had planned to write on what has happened here with the power amp issue.
Here is the witness, and you folks best listen well, for there is important
information of heavy duty proportions.

My mates from the new Christian rock band, James, Harold, Dana and I met to
discuss aquiring equipment. Start-up funds are a bit scarce. Here we are, an
out of work truck driver with a bad back, a disabled vet, a rookie deputy,
and a mentally damaged has-been G-Man. (you figure it out) (can you say
"social rejects?") I suggested we pray on the matter. Our primary need and
most expensive item was a power amp. Ideally 2 or 3 would be best, for
practice and then PA and monitor. Yet, I reasoned, 2 or 3 are luxuries and
to pray for such would be disrespectful. We are not greedy so the others
agreed. Harold said when people pray for a specific need, they should never
pray for the money to meet that need, for Man is too weak of wisdom to
maintain the cause. Instead, we should ask God to meet our needs directly,
and avoid telling him HOW it should be done.

With this in mind, we prayed.

As this list knows, I ask the list to pray with us and that really is all I
want, just the prayers of my brothers and sisters. the result of that prayer
in agreement has been for us to recieve 2 power amps now, and then another
which we are told we can expect later. We prayed for only one, and yet God
answered 3 fold. In certain aspect, we have a surplus of gear which is being
passed on to others of even greater need. i hope that is OK. Not only this,
but we have also recieved some PA speakers, not good enough for good stage
work, but very good for practice and FREE of charge. The person who gave
these is not saved, and has no desire to be, yet speaks of having much
respect for the endevore.

This last part is particularly important because a long time friend and
"brother in Christ" offered us what he called "first rate, highest quality
stage speakers at a 50% discount." I did a little checking. the pair are
used, dented and the price he requested for just one is exactly 60% higher
than the price quoted by Musician's Friend for a new pair of cabs. I make no
comment, except to say my mates all tell me this is SOP on the Outer Banks.
I am sad. Well, maybe this is the harvest field, who knows?

What fills us with joy and praise is the faithful way the following have
made themselves answerers of prayers and as such messangers of God's holy
word. A while back I wrote of how we, as faithful men and women of God, are
indeed Angels of the Lord, when we permit ourselves to be intruments of His
blesses and communicators of His word, which is, we are told, the reason for
angels. These are examples of this idea of which i wrote;

Jay O'Connor
Chip Yeager
Derek Pearsall
Jeff Kuhn
the provider of the speakers wished to remain unknown. He holds my respect

>He and his
>wife Jill were kind enough to send me home with THE most
>INCREDIBLE!!!!!(!!!!!) Turkish sweets, including Baklava (melt in your
>mouth) and Turkish Delight.

My father sent the Turkish Delight over night directly from a shop near his
condo in Ankara. Jill and I baked the baklava ourselves. i am glad you like
it. (more about my Dad in another post)

>Hey Chetin- what was that cool white
>chesse-looking stuff that was actually finely-spun candy (which ROCKED!!)?

This is a form of helva, except it is made from ground white wheat instead
of sesame seed. Otherwise, it is sweetened in like manner and garnished with
ground pestachio.

>Thank you so much for a great day- it really made my day and my week to
>with and talk to a like-minded believer.

Considering what the government says about my mind, you may wish to re-think
that "like minded" part. 😉

>It's been very dry in this part of
>Virginia. Work is very lonely (one other believer) for fellowship and
>there's a weird vibe in the music team of the church I just joined.

I know the feeling. Here i oft am the stranger in a strange land. The 4 of
us in the band are outsiders here and are treated as such in the verious
church bands in which we have played.

> It was
>very refreshing to meet you and your wonderful family. Say hi to Zu-Zu and
>the rest!


>BTW, is anyone else in the Tidewater area of Virginia? I'd love to meet
>with some more CBers!!

Yes, any one at all? A meet at Harbour Side or some such place would be
awsome. Maybe something at the Beach on the wild and wonderful Outer Banks,
and bring your surf boards. The waves are totally awsome right now. and I
see porposes and whales most every morning.

Thanks for the kindness, fellowship and love which comes only through the
grace of our lord and savior,

Çetin Basaran
**** **** **** ****
"vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit"

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