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Re: [NBC] seeking entry level mandolin

Posted by: wulf <wulf@...>

Justin <> asked:

> please reply offlist...

Nah - this one's got some musical value. 😉

> i'm looking for an entry level mandolin, and know nothing of
> the instrument, what to look for, what are some good entry
> level instruments? if anyone has any input, let me know.
> thanks

Although I'm far from an expert, I've got a nice little
Samick electro-acoustic that I bought about eight or nine
years ago. I'd borrowed one of my dad's mandolins for an
acoustic worship set at church for a youth event (I think
this was round about the time that MTV's 'Unplugged'
series was starting to take off) and, when asked to lead
at an evening celebration a few weeks later, decided to
get one of my own that I could a) plug in and b) hide
behind (since someone else would be playing bass).

Of course, my mandolin playing career still hasn't taken
off and I haven't started an informal nationwide assembly
called Plink to Plink, but it's a good little instrument and
one day, when I finally change the strings it came with,
will sound even sweeter 😉

Finding a good entry level instrument involves:

- preferably tracking down several locally so you can
compare them
- identifying the ones that look, feel and sound right to
you and which easily fit within your budget (as an 'entry
level' instrument you don't want to break the bank but you
do want something that isn't going to put you off playing)
- check for good construction (no cracks or warping)
- check the notes sound clearly and with good intonation
up the neck (I don't think I've seen a mandolin with an
adjustable bridge, so you won't be able to easily tweak it)
- getting some resources to help you learn it (and get
round those wacky ideas of doubled strings and tuning in
fifths), which could include books, teachers, etc.

... and that's pretty much the same as buying any other
kind of entry level instrument, including basses (hence
my reason for posting to the list).


Wulf Forrester-Barker <//<
NB. new preferred address:
[ will stop working shortly]