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Re: {PRAYER} friend lost his job

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

>From: Chris Cummings <>

>I'd like to request prayer for my friend Kirk who just lost his job

If it helps, may I testify;

After becoming unemployed last Spring, i did not seek employmeny again, so
I'd ne free to travel overseas. Upon my return to the USA, I found I had to
remain home to be a full time Daddy. It has become clear of late I need to
increase my house hold income, but family pressures require restrictions of
time, and emplyment on the beach requires now at least 60 hrs/wk and night
hrs. I just need part time employment, and never on weekends. this is an
impossibility so I choose to remain at home.

In worship yesterday (Sunday evening) with the new band, we prayed for what
ever be our needs. All prayed for me and my family.

This afternoon I got a phone call from a construction company. They are
looking for a part time engineer with cert. in propane and natural gas
systems, plus, due to the likehood of transport of hazardous substances, the
appropriate DOT permits must be in order. They offered me more than I had
made full time, because I will be responcible for overseeing and training
young upstarts, plus I will be getting a very good package from BC&BS for my

I can not think of a single thing I ever ever done in my life which causes
me to deserve even one of the answers to any of the many prayers from my
heart of late. Yet, prayers are answered, and it seems, beyond the level
requested. I do not boast in this, for i am ashamed of how little mercy I
deserve. I only stand here to say; So it is written, and as such petitioned,
so it is done.

We are praying for your friend.

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