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Re: Question & South Park

Posted by: darthfrodo101 <darthfrodo101@...>

> In the secular music world, if something is bad, word gets around, and
> sales drop (in general). In the Christian world, it tends to be accepted.
> Read CCM magazine some time. If one of the CD reviewers has the guts to
> actually criticize a new release, they are immediately villified in the
> letters to the editor = "How dare you criticize a brother or sister!
> They're doing the Lord's work and deserve our support! You might hurt
> their feelings!"

I don't have quite as much experience as most here, but I absolutely agree.
I can't tell all the times that I have looks at a "Christian" item and was
just appalled by the poor quality and bad workmanship. I will not give any
examples, but this has happened many times.

Let me give you a little bit of background before I go on. My dad is an
industrial designer, and as such he strives to put out the absolute best
product that he can. he is not satisfied until he has done his best; until
he has done it in excellence. I have been raised not to accept less than my
best, and when I see (or hear) anything that is labeled as "Christian" that
is poor quality, I wince. I have a major issue with the fact that people
accept lesser quality material just because it is generated by a Believer.

Take a good number of "Christian" movies and animated shorts. They are done,
in my opinion, quite poorly for the most part; from the actual animation
aspect to the score or whatever. Yet these things sell. Why do they sell?
Because it is "Christian". Not because it is a good product or is well-made,
but because of the source.

It is coming to the point that certain types of "Christian" materials are
just widely accepted as they are. There is no reason that we, as Christians,
should not put a quality product out for the consumer. Indeed, I believe
that AS Christians, there is all the more reason that our product be better
than the secular alternative.

We are called to excellence in all that we do. Excellence does not mean
perfection; but it does mean that we shouldn't be satisfied with second-rate



NOTE: I do not mean any personal disrespect to anyone who makes the things
that I have mentioned above. I certainly wouldn't want anyone to be
offended, but those are my views. Nothing personal..