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Re: Re: churchbass Digest 7 Nov 2003 23:17:37 -0000 Issue 32

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

>From: Daniel McConnell <>

>Alpha hydroxy what? You need to know what the hydroxyl is alpha to.

maybe it's like "alpha male".

Am I an alpha male? You beta believe it!

full name of a generic group of compounds used in homiopathic marketing :
alpha hydroxy acids or AHA. usually it is really asorbic acid, aka; vitamin
C. The mild acid is supposed to eat away at dead connective membranes, thus
it is marketed to remove dead skin, smooth wrinkles, and fade small skin
spots and blotches. Maybe it works. I happen to think you ladies out there
are most beautiful in the fashion which our creater made and maintains you.
But that's just me, bent and twisted as usual.

When I was on an 8 rowing crew, we treated our palms with a mixture of
chemicals to build calluses, since our training schedule had us rowing 20 km
morning and evening, out of the water sprint machine workouts. asorbic and
nitric acids were ingrediants. They were there to quicken the death of skin
cells. Calluses grew fast. They also caused the callus to peal away. I quit
using it and developed good, strong calluses just by constant usage. I am
convinced the only way to do the same for bass is to play bass, often. There
are no short cuts.

This is why bass or guitar players might want to stay away from AHA. It will
remove calluses over time. I once used Avon's "Skin-So-Soft" as an insect
repellant until I noticed my calluses headed south.

BTW, stay away for discussions of snake oil marketing with me. That is yet
another of my HOT BOTTONS.

I have a friend who runs an "all natural" shop. She tried to get me to
ingest all sorts of plant material with odd sounding names, which, she
claimed, would cause my dead nerve cells to re-form. I did a little reserch
and discovered several of the ingrediants had side effects potentially worse
than the original problem. I confronted her about this and she became
hostile. After time had past, i spoke with her about this and how her
approach to her craft could be seen as witch craft, a sort of worship of the
marketing of such things. since she is a worship leader, she had much more
at stake (pun) than her own well being. There has been a tremendous change
in her out look since. She has gottewn rid of her membership to a certain
pyramid scheme marketing program and her true Godly worship has grown, as
has her customer base.

By the way, here is the question i put forth;

Opium, marijuana and South American coca plant extract are all natural and
have been used for thousands of years..... well, never mind

Çetin Basaran
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"vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit"

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