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RE: Re: [MUSIC} playing in other keys .. . and a question . . .

Posted by: phil.kan <phil.kan@...>

Hey peoples,

Thanks very much people for all the responses (so far). It's been interesting to read, as I've discovered (I think!) that I don't really play by ear more by the chords, and knowing appropriate notes etc. One thing that I have purposefully shied away from is learning patterns. I've always wanted to learn "properly" with thought rather than blindly following patterns. It seem as through, at least in the case, I've shot myself in the foot.  DOH! That smarts!!!

Sorry if that comes through more derogatory than its intended its not intended that way at all!! Seems I need to learn playing by listening more. Which brings me to Donna's post:

<quote >

Which brings me to my question (which changes the subject).  I can 'hear' where I need to go.  I can sing it (which I was told is the first part of playing by ear and transcribing).  But I have the HARDEST time figuring out where what I hear should be coming from on my bass.  Is this just a gift, or is this something I can learn?  I'm always amazed when someone can hear a single note and tell you what it is.  It would take me somewhere in the vicinity of 12 tries  :  )  Or hear a song and tell you the key.


So if it's not a natural gift,  is it trial and error until you just learn what you are hearing?


I believe so. A player I well respect way back when told me once playing should eventually become as natural as singing. If you can sing a line, or make one up with your voice, you should be able to go to your bass and play it just like that! I guess like what I'm facing, it's a matter of doing it long enough until it becomes natural.

Needless to say, I'm not there, and I'm not sure I know many that are

tc&gb, pk