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RE: (Surfing) was (MUSIC) Crowder Song

Posted by: tstakes <tstakes@...>

How did we get here? Chiming in, didn't do much surfing in Indiana (duh),
but we do have a coast here in Ecuador (love the Pacific Ocean) and have
become an afficionado of boogie-boarding. Especially with swim fins. And
it's fun to do with the kids.



-----Original Message-----
From: Chetin Basaran []
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 7:05 PM
Subject: RE: [CB] (MUSIC) Crowder Song

>From: Peter Sharp <>

>Phil said:
> >Went body-surfing on Saturday for the first time in years.
>The only way to surf!

I surf body, long board, Hobie16 and kayak. Love them all. I am moving away
from the long board. My body no longer forgives such things. You have got to

try kayak surfing if standing up on a board feels odd. A wide bodied,
inexpensive river kayak just can't be beat for pleasure/monitary unit ratio.

Oh, I do not do short board. There are some things a 250 lb man working in
his 6th decade just should not inflict upon the world.

No, I will not discuss wet suits. i have one, and for the sake of world
peace and the mental health of Mankind in general, no pictures, thank you.

Çetin Basaran
**** **** **** ****
"vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit"

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