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Re: {THEOLOGY} Spiritual Gifts

Posted by: weeks <weeks@...>

> For example, can I claim to have a spiritual gift of music?


Here's the problem - music isn't a spiritual gift, it's a talent.
Confusing the two are dangerous. Spiritual gifts may be something you
have for a time - like the ability to speak a foreign language while in a
foreign country in a certain situation. Talents are something you keep
forever - like being able to play music or paint or sing.

The SHAPE class confuses the two. I take issue with that and I think
it's flat out wrong. It isn't wrong to want to get people involved, not
by any means, or to teach them about themselves and show them how they
can serve - that's a great idea. But keep theology out of it if you have
to skew it to make it fit.

- James

"I will always remember the day Rene Descartes died.  We had just
finished a wonderful meal and were sitting around plotting our next move
over coffee.  The waitress came up and asked, "More Coffee?"  Descartes
replied, "I think not."   And just disappeared right before my eyes."