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Re: {WELCOME} Hi, Nicholas!

Posted by: erinanne <erinanne@...>

Hey, Nicholas!

Welcome to the list!

Wasn't that weekend AWESOME!?! Did you attend both of Norm's clinics?
What an inspiration... Bought his Pondering the Sushi CD, listening to
it now... wow...

Now, you need to know that *we* need to know! Who are you, where are
you, what do you do, do you play on a worship team, do you play with
other groups, Beatles-love them or hate them, what's in da player now,
what is your favourite scripture passage, how long have you been doing
the bass thing, do you wear hawaiian shirts, and do you know where to
get the "ultimate" pre-shrunk hawaiian shirt? Oh, and there are one or
two gear-heads on the list who will be dying to know what you play on
and with and through and all that stuff... (As for me, I have a four
string Yamaha bass that has untainted, pretty, light-coloured wood and
four knobby things for tuning it and three other knobby things that
make it louder and softer and funny sounding and good sounding, and a
long black cable with red things on the ends, and I have a little
Peavey KB-15 keyboard amp thing that I play it through at home. I'm
not one of the gear-heads. yet.)

Call it "getting the low-down" on the newest member... of course,
you're going to have to guess all those details about the rest of us...
well, no, scratch that, you'll figure it out pretty soon - this is a
pretty chatty group (been catching up on reading emails since
Thursday-all 103 of them!) about all manner of bass and worship and
music and non-bass and non-worship and non-music related things!


e/ <wore a mumu *once* and won "best tacky tourist costume prize" and
proudly admire Christmas decoration I bought with prize gift
certificate and laugh uproariously about the memory of me in blue mumu
because it will never happen again except I learned never to say never
or that's exactly
what will happen as a lesson in God's sense of humour and I spelled
that right because I'm Canadian even though my computer tries to teach
me to write American instead and I couldn't fit this all in as one
string so I just made it into a run-on sentence instead but you can
breathe *now*>

On Sunday, November 16, 2003, at 09:23 PM, wrote:

> I was at Norm's clinic and because of his mention, I signed up on CB
> today.  I got the address from his website and found out about the Rip
> City session in Portland in Feb.  Look for me there also.  Great time
> this week end.  I look forward to meeting many of the Northwest CBer's
> too.
> Nick