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Re: [ChurchBass] {ADMIN} digest options reply

Posted by: doug <doug@...>

> As much as I like the ChurchBass newsgroup, getting a gazillion email
> attachements and then having to open each one is not my idea of fun.
> Gil Ribal
> St Pete, FL

In no way do I wish to start a digest vs immediate delivery debate, please
let's not go there, they both have advantages/disadvantages, blah, blah,
blah. As a former digest subscriber, I just want to share with current
digest subscribers what I found when I switched to immediate delivery

1. It makes it SO much easier to reply to an individual message.
2. It makes it SO much easier to ignore a thread when it goes off in a
direction that doesn't interest me - I can easily delete those messages
before starting the reading process.
3. Both my web e-mail client and Outlook Express allow me to read an
e-mail and then go directly to the next one or previous one, which is the
same effect as reading a digest.
4. I have no digest-related problems with the new list server. 🙂

Might be something to try, one can always change back if one doesn't like it.

Doug <-- Family <-- Band