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Re: [ChurchBass] {gear} Kustom KBA100x amp

Posted by: crann <crann@...>

I have a Kustom KB65, which I use at our church. The church is small
(would probably seat 100 if we all got cozy), and the amp is usually enough
for most services. It's a bit weak below D on the B string (it rumbles the
floor well, but not really distinct as to tone), but since that's what we
mostly use it for, it's usually of no consequence. It has EQ and a few
built-in effects, which I use sparingly (except for youth services, where I
use a multi-effects pedal.) It has speaker out, line out, and other
assorted connections, and also a place to plug in a drum machine or CD
player to play along with. No headphone jack.

I got mine quite inexpensively (MF was clearing them out) at $130. It
would probably work more as an at-home practice amp for most of you folks,
from what I read here on the list. It works well for my current needs, and
it fit my budget (which isn't very much). I have had no reliability
problems whatsoever, and I've had it about a year now.


At 11:04 AM 10/24/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I had a friend who had one of these Kustom amps and it sounded great, but
>that was many, many moons ago. Anyone have any idea what these amps are
>like these days? Back in the day Kustom was pretty popular, but it seems
>like they have fallen off the map. OTOH, this thing seems to have a lot of
>features and the price is very reasonable.
>Phil 4:13
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Horton the Elephant

Bill, Sherry, Mahala, Aaron, Thomas, and Joshua Crann