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RE: [ChurchBass] [MISC]Atlanta

Posted by: rodney_turner <rodney_turner@...>

I am trying to stay caught up with all of the emails these days and just
getting back to this one. I did not see any direct responses to your
message, Jay but did want to say that there are a number of Cber's here
in the Atlanta area. I am guessing at least 10 or so in the general
vicinity. I live on the North side of the city in Roswell and go to a
great church. I have been here for a little over 2 years now and love
it. Email me offline and we can "chat"

Rodney Turner
Solutions Architect
Procurve Networking Business
Hewlett Packard Co.

404.648.5495 Phone
419.781.7231 Fax