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Re: [ChurchBass] [MUSIC] Fwd: numbered chords

Posted by: david.alitz <david.alitz@...>

> So, what is the "proper" way to manage this problem?
I've never been much of an authority on proper, but I remember back in
theory class that we had to number modulations for both the original key
and the new key. We put the number for the original key above the
number for the new key. For instance, if we were modulating from C
major to A minor (relative minor), an E minor chord would be notated as
iii above a v . This gives you a way to relate the two keys without
knowing the key center. Once the new key was established, we dispensed
with the notation for the original key. If it wasn't obvious where it
modulated, or just jumped into the new key, we just picked an abitrary
point a couple measures ahead of time to set up the new key.

Dave Alitz