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Re: [NBC] Question & South Park

Posted by: dsouthard <dsouthard@...>

> Well Douglas, if you want me to say you are more holy than me on the
> that you buy Christian things and avoid vulgarity, then ok, I concede.

Give me a break. I'll bet you even money that Doug is NOT doing that at

> P.P.S. Really, the more I think about it, the irony of using a South
> episode as a springboard to rail against schlocky Christian music and
> merchandise is pretty doggone funny.

Southpark is just not worth my time or money to watch (it is on cable,
right?). Why would I want to watch that when I could watch Spinal Tap,
Weird Al Yankovitch or the Who guest star on the Simpsons for free? I'm
not more holy, just more broke.


"But I didn't. I only knew that you'd know that I knew. Did you know
that?" - Casanova Frankenstein