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RE: [PRAISE] Life after 40-another perspective

Posted by: RMCJoseph <RMCJoseph@...>

>Sherry sent this in response to Erin's post on life after 40.
>Thanks, Erin, for your beautiful testimony to God's grace in your life!
>I just turned 40 this year, and have done some looking over my own >life, and praised (and continue to praise) God for each day He has >blessed me with (and that includes all of them, "good" and "bad" 😉 )

I will sing the same hymn of Praise with Sherry and Erin. I will be 47 in May, which is "The Age" in my family. Grandmom died at 48, dad died at 47. I have all the same health issues, but science and medicine has seriously changed how well hypertension, and diabetes is cared for and monitored. I jokingly tell my wife that I will live a long life but ironically won't know it, because mom said her side of the family were senile. JUST GREAT!... I'm funny enough already or maybe that was funny looking enough... I'll have to check with my teenage son about that.

John Joseph

BTW - Mark H. I liked the joke could work well with a drummer substituted.

The Greater Atlanta Chapter of the Naval Enlisted Reserve Association