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"Religious Tech Support" Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Religious Tech Support    
Ring ring...
God:  Hello this is the religion help line, what is your
Sinner:  I seem to have lost my faith.
God:  Was your faith installed by an ordained priest or
a Catholic Minister?
Sinner:  Ummm...  lets see, I have a conformation, so
it must have been a priest.
God:  And have you been doing your Faith updates with
Weekly Services(c)?
Sinner:  Well, no, not all of them, but I did get the big
upgrade at Christmas and Easter, and a few other
Weekly Services here and there.
God:  Have you recently heard any contrary Data that
might have corrupted your faith?
Sinner:  Not that I can think of..
God:  Please remember that corrupting data can come
in many forms, from Simple Lies (c)*(Microsoft) or Street
Rhetoric (Internet).  Have your Ears downloaded anything
that might be construed as corrupting?
Sinner:  Well I did listen to a bum on the street that said
that God was asleep and that anyone who believes was
being lulled into the fires of hell.
God:  What you have is a paradox, that is the problem with
your faith, you see, somehow you have an INI string installed
that does not let you Believe in God, but the output of this
string is a Go to Hell.  Without God there is no hell, thus the
Sinner:  And how do I get this Paradox out of my system?
God:  Please re-read the book that came with your faith, The
Bible(TM) and recall the passages that deal with heaven and
hell, and look to the passages about Judas.ini (c).  You can
also find some help in the Psalms 100-120, but those are
long and confusing and should only be used with a complete
lack of Faith.
Sinner:  And what can I do so that my Faith never becomes
corrupted again?
God:  Well there are several products out there just for that
purpose, Lotus Devout(TM), Microsoft Seminary Plus(TM),
and Netscape Hereafter Browser(TM). If you use these products
and not download data from know corrupting sources, you
should be fine.
Sinner:  Well thank you very much God, This should help out
a lot, I should be believing in you without a doubt in no time.
God:  Go in Peace my son.

Ten Dollar Bill  

I was trying to help my grandson with his arithmetic  
homework and said to him, "Suppose you reached in your  
right pocket and found a twenty dollar bill, and you reached  
in your left pocket and found another one, what would you  
My grandson's answer: "Somebody else's pants."  

Fancy Apple   

There was this rabbi in a small town, and he was really curious about why so many people ate pork.  He really wanted to try some, but there was no where in town he could go and not be seen.  One weekend, he made an excuse and traveled to a distant town, went into a restaurant, and ordered the first pork item on the menu.  
While he's waiting for his order of pork, the president of his congregation walks in.  He sees the rabbi and asks if he could join him for dinner, and the rabbi has no choice but to agree.  A while later, the waiter returns with the rabbi's meal.  He takes the cover off the large platter, and there is a whole roast pig, with an apple in its mouth.
The congregation president is more than a little shocked.
"What a fancy place," explains the rabbi quickly.  "Just look at how they serve the apple I ordered." 
Have a Blessed day
Dave and Barbara

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