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Satan's Garage Sale

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

***Satan's Garage Sale***

Once upon a time, Satan was having a garage sale. There, standing in little groups were all of his bright, shiny trinkets. Here were tools that make it easy to tear others down for use as stepping stones. And over there were some lenses for magnifying ones own importance, which, if you looked through them the other way, you could also use to belittle others, or even one's self. Against the wall was the usual assortment of gardening implements guaranteed to help your pride grow by leaps and bounds: the rake of scorn, the shovel of jealousy for digging a pit for your neighbor, the tools of gossip and backbiting, of selfishness and apathy. All of these were pleasing to the eye and came complete with fabulous promises and guarantees of prosperity. Prices, of course, were steep; but not to worry! Free credit was extended to one and all. "Take it home, use it, and you won't have to pay until later!" old Satan cried, as he hawked his wares.

The visitor, as he browsed, noticed two well worn, non-descript tools standing in one corner. Not being nearly as tempting as the other items, he found it curious that these two tools had price tags higher than any other. When he asked why, Satan just laughed and said, "Well, that's because I use them so much. If they weren't so plain looking, people might see them for what they were." Satan pointed to the two tools, saying, "You see, that one's Doubt and that one's Discouragement -- and those will work when nothing else will.


***Family life***

"Darling," said the swooning man to his new bride. "Now
that we are married, do you think you will be able to live
on my small income?"

"Of course, dearest, no trouble," she replied. "But what will
you live on?"

"Mom," said the little boy, in from playing. "I think the
people who live next door are really, really poor?"

"Why do you say that, my little one?"

"Because you should have seen the fuss they made when their
baby swallowed a dime!"


***Who Am I?***

A rabbit and a snake were both injured in a California
earthquake. The impact caused both to become blind
and to lose their memories. In an attempt to find out who
they each were, they decided to feel each other.
First, the snake felt the rabbit. "Well, you are fuzzy and
warm. You have a round cottony tail and two long ears."
"Hooray!" exclaimed the rabbit, "I must be a bunny."
Next the blind rabbit felt the snake. He was thoughtful
for a moment. "Let's see--you are long, cold and slimy
and you have a little forked tongue."
The snake wailed, "Oh no! I must be a politician.."

Have a Blessed day
Dave and Barbara

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