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Say Something Nice

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

*** Say Something Nice ***
At a wedding rehearsal, the minister told the father of the bride, "As you give your daughter's hand to the bridegroom, you should say something nice to him."

The father, a grocery store manager, took the advice. During the wedding ceremony, he placed the bride's hand on his son- in-law's arm and said, "No deposit, no return."


*** Only 1 Thing  ***

When my sister teased her four-year-old daughter by suggesting she liked a certain boy in her kindergarten class, the little girl was quite indignant.
"No mommy, I don't," she replied, "because he's only interested in one thing."

Shocked, my sister cautiously asked what that might be.

"Baseball cards, of course," said the toddler.


*** 50 Cents ***

The minister selected a 50-cent item at a convenience store, but
then discovered he didn't have any money with him. "I could invite
you to hear me preach in return," he said jokingly to the
clerk, "but I'm afraid I don't have any fifty-cent sermons."
"Perhaps," suggested the clerk, "I could come twice."


*** Look Mom ***
A young mother was riding the bus with her four
year old boy when he suddenly blurted out so that
everyone in the bus could hear, "Look mom, see
that man's nose, it looks soooo funny!"

The mother was quite embarrassed and scolded
her son.  Then she whispered to him that if there
was something he wanted to say about someone
then he had to wait until they got home or at least
where nobody could hear them, so that nobody
would be sad.

A moment later the boy blurted out in the same
loud voice, "Look mom, we've got to talk about
that big fat lady when we get home!"

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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