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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>


Two youngsters were closely examining
bathroom scales on display at the department

"What's it for?" one asked.

"I don't know," the other replied. "I think you
stand on it and it makes you mad. At least it
does that for my Mom and Dad."


~~Shoplifter Caught~~

My friend, the manager of a grocery store, nabbed a
shoplifter in the act. He was escorting the suspect to
the office in the front of the store (near the cash
registers), when the shoplifter broke from his grip
and tried to run away.

After a scuffle, my friend pinned him against the wall
and looked up to see a number of surprised customers
staring at him.

"Everything's fine, Folks," he reassured them. "This
guy just tried to go through the express line with
more than ten items."


Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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