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Posted by: root <root@...>

Teacher: "Why couldn't your brother spell 'Mississippi' when I asked him
this afternoon in class?"

Boy: "Because he didn't know if you meant the river or the state!"

Ben's teacher regards Ben as a wonder child. He wonders whether he'll ever
learn anything.

"How old would you say I am, Francis"' the teacher asked.

"Forty," said the boy promptly.

"You seem very sure," said the puzzled teacher. "What makes you think I'm

"My big brother's 20," replied the boy," and your twice as silly as he is !"

"Now remember boys and girls," said the science teacher.

"You can tell a tree's age by counting the rings in a cross section. One
ring for each year." Alec went home for dinner and found they were having a
jelly roll for dessert. "I'm not eating that, Mom," he said, "It's five
years old!"

Teacher: "Who was that on the phone, Sammy?"

Sammy: "No one important, Miss Smith. Just some man who said it was long
distance from Australia, so I told him I knew that already!"

The school teacher was furious when Alec knocked him down with his new
bicycle in the playground."Don't you know how to ride that yet?" he roared.

"Sure!" shouted Alec over his shoulder. "It's the bell I can't work yet!"

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