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Seasoned Citizen's New Year's Resolutions

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>


"Seasoned Citizen's"

"New Year's Resolutions"
To be awake more than asleep
To remember the names of
my Kid's and Grandkid's
To see my family...
more often than my Doctor
To learn a new game besides Bingo
Not To say "Whipper Snapper"
Not To say "In my day..."
To spend more time
on the computer than the toilet
To learn to pronounce the names
of each blasted pill I have to take
To stop calling my spouse
"Old Woman ... or Old Man "

New Year- Dad's Resolution 
Last year when I called my parents to wish them a happy New Year,
my dad answered the phone. "Well, Dad, what's your New Year's
resolution?" I asked him. "To make your mother as happy as I can
all year," he answered proudly.
Then mom got on, and I said, "What's your resolution, Mom?" "To
see that your dad keeps his New Year's resolution."
Snow Storm 
A heavy snow storm closed the schools in one town. When the children
returned to school a few days later, one grade school teacher
asked her students whether they had used the time away from school
constructively.  "I sure did, teacher," one little girl replied.
"I just prayed for more snow."
An Umbrella 

A counselor was helping his kids put their stuff away on
their first morning in Summer Camp. He was surprised to see
one of the youngsters had an umbrella. The counselor asked,
"Why did you bring an umbrella to camp?"
The kid answered, "Did you ever have a mother?"
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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