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Seems this Apple didn't fall far from tree

Posted by: root <root@...>

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When I arrived for my daughter's parent-teacher conference, the teacher
seemed a bit flustered, especially when she started telling me that my
little girl didn't always pay attention in class and was sometimes a little
flighty. "For example, she'll do the wrong page in the workbook," the
teacher explained, "and I've even found her sitting in the wrong desk."

"I don't understand that," I replied defensively. "Where could she have
gotten that?"

The teacher went on to reassure me that my daughter was still doing fine in
school and was sweet and likeable. Finally, after a pause, she added, "By
the way, Mrs. Johnson, our appointment was for tomorrow."

Sneak A Peek !!

A man applied for a job as an industrial spy. Together with several
other applicants, he was given a sealed envelope and told to take it
to the fourth floor.

As soon as the man was alone, he stepped into an empty hallway
and opened the envelope. Inside, a message read:
"You're our kind of person. Report to the fifth floor Personnel Office."

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