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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Dedicated To All Of Those Who Died On 9 11 01
It happened one day in September,
America had just started its day.
The trees were beginning to turn their colors,
A perfect morning it would not stay.
As busy passengers boarded their flights,
Hatred was stirring among them that love could not mend.
Luggage was stored and seat belts fastened,
No one knew how their day would end.
O' how those two towers gleamed in the morning light,
New Yorkers woke that morning expecting the norm.
Working hard for the business of a nation,
Unaware of the impending storm.
Fear was abounding when the terrorists took over the flights,
Their mission of wrath had finally been revealed.
The passengers were all frozen with panic,
The moment seemed almost surreal.
As we hopelessly watched, the planes crash into our towers,
It seemed like some horrible dream.
Stricken by terror and engulfed in fear;
A shocked nation could not fathom what it had seen.
Our Pentagon also was hit in this terrible attack,
America's great fortress had been defiled.
Seeing our mighty emblems strewn with rubble,
Soon this attack on our soil would be reconciled.
Time stood still as ominous smoke filled the sky,
We had witnessed a tragedy too awful to tell.
Final calls to loved ones and those that plummeted to their deaths,
Survivors emerged from their own personal hell.
An indomitable spirit of courage still remained on one flight,
Those passengers fought fervently to survive.
Refusing to relent they struggled until their last breath,
Their great sacrifice is the reason why many are still alive.
With a weary heart, we watched our towers crumble,
Feeling our losses with great disdain.
Many souls were extinguished in the fires of hatred that day,
Losing loved ones caused us infinite pain.
Flowers were laid at that alter of destruction,
A mourning nation wept for those that had died.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of defeat,
We struck back at those who had stabbed at our national pride.
Freedom, my friends, always comes with a price of constant vigilance,
Let us never forget this and always remember.
Honoring those that have died with the deepest respect,
Forever must stay in our memory -- of what happened that fateful day in September.
"The Day The Towers Fell"
A sad day for America
As rejoicing rang from hell,
Awakening a mighty giant
On the day the towers fell.
Our hearts were saddened
As we watched this vicious act unfold,
As innocence met a fiery death
And seeds of war were sowed.
Shouts rang out from the middle east
That Allah has done his good
But no god joys in faultless deaths
Through certain cowards could.
America just sort of glides along,
But don't step on her toes ...
For her belief in right and justice
Will stomp out freedom's foes.
"Reflections of 911"
Years have come and gone,
Since the towers came down...
Yet nothing is settled,
No peace to be found.
Seems like the efforts,
Made to this date,
Cannot resolve,
Our grief and our fate.
There are still questions there,
With no answers yet found,
Though grass replaces
The rubble from the ground.
The grief that we feel,
Is still fresh and so strong,
Despite all the 'answers'
For what really went wrong.
It seems that the mourning,
Is greater today,
That time does not heal,
Nor make it go way.
911 was a wakeup,
To a nation off guard,
Grief is not easy,
Forgiveness is hard.
So that each day now passes,
With no end in sight,
We remain in our mourning,
Still sealed with that plight.
We pray for the peace,
That only healing brings,
Proudly tell the rest of the world,
That Freedom still rings.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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