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Shooting Par

Posted by: <@...>

Shooting Par

A retired gentleman spent most afternoons at the local golf course. Every
day he would spend about 3 hours out on the course, playing a round by
himself. When he would return to the club house, the resident pro would
inquire about his score.

"Ed, how'd you shoot today?", to which the man would always reply,
"Another perfect par."

The golf pro (being of average intelligence) knew that there was no way
the old man was shooting straight par every day, but since he was a
regular customer, he didn't want to insult the man by accusing him of

Finally, one day, the pro decided to accompany the old man on his daily
round, just to see for himself.

On the first tee, the older gentleman sliced the ball way off into the
rough. He found his ball, but his second shot was even worse. Finally
putting it into the first hole (a par 4) took him 8 swings.

The golf pro thought to himself "I knew it. This guy's been lying all
this time. There is no way he is gonna shoot anywhere near par."

They continued on, and the old man's game stayed the same, never once
getting a par on any one hole. After almost 3 hours, they teed off on the
13th hole. The old man actually hit it straight down the middle - It was
the best shot he had made all day! He promptly walked down the fairway to
his ball, picked it up, and began walking back to the clubhouse.

The pro was confused. "Hey, that was a great shot. Where are you going

"Oh, I'm done." the old man replied with a smile, "That shot was number
72 ...another perfect par!"