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Short laughs Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Please keep the prayers going for Niki. Some Miracles have taken place with Niki. Our prayers are being answered as there has been some improvements. We hope to have a complete update soon to show God working and answering our prayers.
A TEACHER had just given her class a science lesson on magnets. In a follow-up test on the subject, one of the questions read: "My name starts with 'M' and has six letters. I pick things up. What am I?"

Half of the students answered "Mother"!

Second Language    
MAMA CAT took her kittens for a walk one day. Their pleasant stroll was interrupted when a big mean dog threatened them. Mama Cat went right up to him and began barking. The startled dog immediately ran off, tail between its legs. Then Mama Cat turned to her babies and said, "You see, children--it pays to know a second language."
Report Card 
A BOY brought home his disappointing report card and rather sheepishly handed it to his father. After looking it over and mulling about it for a few moments, the father scowled. "Well, there's one good thing--with these grades, you're not cheating."

Small boy:  "Dad, what is a religious traitor?" 
Father:  "A  man who leaves our church and joins another".
Small boy:    "And what is a man who leaves hischurch and joins ours?"
Father:  "A convert, Son, a convert."
Have a Blessed Day  
Dave and Barbara


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