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Shoulder To Shoulder #775 ---- 9/17/12

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Standing Shoulder To Shoulder Together As 
We Fight the Good Fight of Faith
A personal letter of encouragement to You, written solely to "lift up hands that hang down".
SHOULDER TO SHOULDER is a weekly letter of encouragement Bob has written since 1997, covering many
topics selected to motivate people in vocational and volunteer ministry to be strong students of the Word
and courageous witnesses of Jesus Christ.  There are many web resources listed at the end of each letter.

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"I'm not afraid of failing; I'm afraid of succeeding at something that doesn't matter"--William Carey

Shoulder To Shoulder #775 ---- 9/17/12

Title:  "If My People . . . (Part One -- "We Won't; We Must")

My Dear Fellow Kingdom Seeker and Partner in the Journey:

Greetings today once again from Independence, MO, where the skies are again cloudy and threatening of rain with temperatures in the low 70's today.  Jo Ann and I returned here Saturday evening for another week of ministry.  It will be a busy week with meetings and appointments almost every single day.  It is good to be back and to resume the work that was interrupted by some two weeks of absence.  Yesterday was a great day as we joined Living Faith KC in their new location for their first morning worship services after two years of evening gatherings.  Then we visited immediately thereafter with Central Church and reconnected with pastor Omar and his people.  Today Jo Ann and I join Andrew Heusing to meet with some People Teams coaches as we move to the next step in trying to develop people teams in all the 132 churches in the area, encouraging them to find ways to reach out to specific ethnic groups living in the area.

Tuesday we will meet with Jason, lead pastor at Living Faith, visit Eleos Coffee House, and in the evening Jo Ann will have her very first "Esther Fellowship" gathering of ladies from Living Faith and other religious groups.  Wednesday we meet with the Director of Missions and will gather again with a Living Faith missional community group before I meet again with the "Timothy Fellowship" from Central Church.  From there it continues to be a very busy week.

As you know, I've done extensive research and writing on Islam, and have always maintained that their god, Allah, was first of all NOT a different name for Jehovah God as many would have us believe, but that it was the name of one of some 400 gods worshiped in Saudi Arabia, and the one that Muhammad selected for whom he would be its prophet.

However, in the back of my mind, because of some research I also did on the many pagan gods of ancient "land of Gomer" (namely the area including Ukraine), I was convinced that all of these gods could be traced back to the mystery religions of Babylon pre-dating the days of Abram.  Likewise, the names of the Greek mythological gods also seemed to be linked to the same.  I ran across duplicate names and interchangeable names time and time again in my studies of ancient Ukraine and the various cultures that crisscrossed its land.

Well, here is recently researched evidence that Allah does indeed have his origin in Babylon, and not in Saudi Arabia.  I am most anxious to study this report further to see what Ted Shoebat, son of former PLO terrorist Walit Shoebat, has discovered.  In the meantime, read this article.  Allah (or Alla) is clearly a god of violence and destruction, just as Islam is by its nature the same.  How tragic that so many well meaning and peaceful Muslims have fallen for the lie that it is a religion of peace.  Go to to read the article.


It seems there are seasons when we are flooded with information about many important matters.  What with our economic conditions, coming elections, natural disasters, increased persecution of Christians, and the recent uprisings in the Middle East, my computer has been inundated with literally hundreds of noteworthy articles and announcements.  So, today's letter has more than enough links that I feel are significant to you in some way.  So, please take time this week . . . or even today . . . to check them out.

Today Is Constitution Day:  225 years ago today our U.S. Constitution became a reality.  Our constitution stands as the longest continual governing document of all democratic countries.  One of the great needs in our country is for people to discover it again and learn what it really means and learn the freedoms it provides.  Here's a great article, "Ten Steps To Save Our Constitution", on 10 things you can do to become more informed as to what our Constitution really does for us.  Go to

+  Most Christians do NOT read the Bible daily:  Lifeway Research has recently posted the results of an earlier poll showing that, even though they claim to believe in it and believe what it says, most Christians simply do not read the Bible daily.  Read the article at

+  If You Have A Burden For Your City:  There are many resources available for believers who have great burdens to reach and help change the culture of their cities.  Consider checking the following out:
    >  Seek God For The City Prayer Strategy --
    >  Community Transformation --

+  Solemn Assembly in D.C.: -- Consider attending the upcoming national Solemn Assembly to be held next month in Washington.  If you cannot attend, consider conducting your own simultaneously in your town or church.

+  Crying Out For America:  Perhaps no time in American history have there been more organized strategies to pray for America during times of need.  Therefore, there is no excuse for Christians to neglect using this season of the year leading up to the November 5th elections.  If America's Christians won't pray for our nation, we don't deserve the freedoms, opportunities, and responsibilities we have.

+  See You At The Pole Observance Coming Up:  The annual observance of "See You At The Pole" is coming up in a few days.  This year it includes two events . . . "Praying For Our Schools" on Sunday, September 23rd, and followed by the "See You At The Pole" observance on Wednesday, September 26th.  The two links below provide adequate information for you and your church to observe both:
    >  "Praying For Our Schools" ---- http://
    >  "See You At The Pole" ----

+  International Day of Prayer For the Peace of Jerusalem Coming Up:  The DOPPJ comes up soon, encouraging us to pray, as the Bible commands us, for the peace of Jerusalem.  That command has never been rescinded.  Go to the following site for more information ----


God has used three primary factors to lead me to begin a series of letters to you over the next several weeks.  First, is the current climate of uncertainty, confusion, and alarm in which we find ourselves as we remember the horrors of eleven years ago, as we see government's complete ineptitude to rein in an eminent economic collapse, and as we watch with alarm the Islamic uprising taking place before our very eyes.  Secondly, I do not remember a time, . . . even soon after 9/11 . . . . when there was such a heart cry for a return to seeking the face of God in prayer as there seems to be in this day.  Simply a cursory look at many of the links in today's letter show just a few opportunities for Christians across the United States to come together and stand together in intercession for our land and for our world.  I do hope you will give serious and deliberate consideration to participating in as many as possible.  Finally, the hunger, openness, and excitement Jo Ann and I saw in the hearts of many Christians during our recent ministry trip to Illinois, has truly rejuvenated my heart and refreshed my spirit in the ministry to which the Lord has called us for this season of our lives. 

In any case, today is neither a season to fear, a season to remain silent before the Throne, nor a season to quit.  Both the dangers of the day, the invitations to intercede, and the hunger in the hearts of God's people have reminded me of how important it is to "work the works of Him who sent me while it is yet day; for night comes when no man can work."  (John 9:4)

At the moment, I don't know how long this series will be, but it is my most intense prayer that it will drive . . . not draw, but drive . . . you into the presence of God as your sole salvation and protection, and also propel you out into the civic arena with a commitment to do everything within your power to exact radical change in the moral and spiritual fiber of our culture.  Most of us as Christians have become a people of many words, but little action.  We take pleasure in cursing the darkness, but do little to shine the light.  Somehow we think words will fix things . . . but they will not.  Words inform, but they do not fix.  Action is what fixes; and this is what Christ has always taught us as the essential expression of real faith in Him. 

I have referred in jest several times about my speaking eight times in three days near the end of this trip, three times that Saturday to area pastors and lay members on the topic of "Vision", then four times on Sunday and once on Monday to one local congregation.  One never knows the impact made on others when you don't remain there to watch for fruit, but the response in general was surprisingly positive and enthusiastic.  Certainly not to underestimate the earlier speaking engagements through the previous week, the final two days with the Eternity Baptist Church in Centralia, IL, really made up the highlight of the trip for Jo Ann and me.  We laughed much about how the pastor asked me to speak specifically once each on four distinct topics, each of which we normally conduct complete seminars, conferences, or workshops . . . Victory in Warfare, Biblical Leadership, Principles of Reaching Cities, and Prevailing Prayer.

Today we, as Americans, as global citizens everywhere, and as Christians in particular, are facing conditions never before seen quite like what we see today.  True, there have been difficult and dangerous times in the past, but I find no time during the totality of our recorded history where all the lines from so many diverse directions are intersecting at a specific point in history.  It seems it is now "showtime", and there is no longer time for delay.  It's our personal "put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is" moment. 

So, recognizing the cultural indicators all around us, and sensing the spirit of alarm in the hearts of many, I hope to use the coming letters to call us back to where we belong.  And, we belong on our faces before the royal and sovereign throne of God, and prostrate before the One seated thereon. 

I hear some saying, "Well, of course!  We know that!  Everyone knows we are to cry out to Him as our One and Only Hope.  That's basic Bible theology!  Bob is wasting his time telling me what I already know."

That person, I declare, is probably not doing it.  He's the hearer who doesn't do it.  He's the Pharisee who knows the "letter of the law" but doesn't keep it.  He's the one who says, "We Must!" . . . but He Won't.


You and I are thoroughly familiar with II Chronicles 7:14 . . . . ". . . and my people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  Even the most calloused and cold heart of any Christian is thoroughly familiar with that passage of scripture . . . and it means nothing to them.  Even those whose hearts pulsate with fervor and passion for those great promises are all-too-frequently not moved to obedience . . . only theory and pipe dreams.  And, quite frankly, no preacher . . . and no writer . . . can move such hard hearts.  Both hearts are hard . . . one by the callousness of self-centeredness, and one by the callousness of familiarity.  One is as destructive as the other.  The first is plagued by disbelief . . . the refusal to repent and believe; the second is immobilized by unbelief . . . the inability or unwillingness to complete their faith by obedience and just "do it!"

As I write to you today, even now God is opening again His Word to show me the panoramic enormity of this story . . . and the practical simplicity of this command/promise couplet.  It's so simple, . . . and yet so difficult.  It's so easy, . . . and yet so hard. 

The parallels and symbolisms of the story are too many and too comprehensive to sufficiently explore here and now.  The lessons are mind boggling. ---- David has died . . . without seeing his dream fulfilled of building a temple to the God of his youth.  Three sins . . . adultery, murder, and lying . . . robbed him of his highest dream.  He would settle only for the divine promise that his son would see the vision realized.  David had gathered the condiments for the temple, but Solomon would oversee the construction of the House of God.

I Chron 29:28-30 reads, "Then [David] died in a ripe old age, full of days, riches and honor; and his son Solomon reigned in his place.  Now the acts of King David, from first to last, are written in the chronicles of Samuel the seer, in the chronicles of Nathan the prophet, and in the chronicles of Gad the seer, with all his reign, his power, and the circumstances which came on him, on Israel, and on all the kingdoms of the lands."  II Chronicles picks up immediately thereafter showing us that Solomon has been established securely as king, and God exalted him in the eyes of the Israelites and the surrounding kingdoms.  It appears that his first official act of any size was to begin construction of the temple David had envisioned.  The first four chapters of II Chronicles give an overview of the long and laborious project.

The crowning achievement of the project is found in chapter 5 when the Ark of the Covenant that David had rescued from the Philistines and brought back to the land is returned to its rightful place in the new temple.  When the ark was brought into the temple with the ceremonial splendor befitting it and accompanied by the voices of praise and the varied instruments of worship, the Shekinah glory of God filled the temple with terrifying and awe-inspiring visible evidences.  When the sanctified (set-apart) priests, Levites, and Levitical musicians . . . playing cymbals, harps, lyres, and 120 trumpets . . . began to proclaim, "He Indeed Is good for His lovingkindness is everlasting!" (every single word is pregnant with significant meaning), the temple filled with the glory of God's presence with such intensity that the priests couldn't remain on their feet in His presence.

As the praises, the sounds of the instruments, and the shouting and the weeping fade slowly into silence, Solomon stood and proclaimed the temple dedicated to the Most High God of Israel (chapter 6).  He then turned to the throngs . . . probably thousands of people (7:8 indicates people came from the far north of Hamath all the way to the south of the Negev and the Sinai Peninsula at the brook of Egypt) . . . and reminded them of God's declaration long centuries earlier that He had chosen Jerusalem as the location for His house where His Name would perpetually reside.  Then Solomon stood before the alter in behalf of the people and offered up a heart-wringing prayer of dedication, punctuated over and over again with "If" and "then" couplets describing God's promised responses to their obedience on the one hand and their disobedience on the other.  Obedience always delivered blessing, and disobedience always resulted in chastisement, curses, and suffering.

When Solomon had concluded his prayer of dedication, the Shekinah glory of God burst like fire from heaven consuming all the burnt offering and the sacrifices the people had offered.  There were so many offerings and sacrifices that the temple alters could not contain all that had been offered.  God's presence was so overpowering that the priests and Levites who had led in the praise and in preparing the sacrifices could not return to the temple.  God's presence was simply too vast and overwhelming.  But, finally, after the offerings and sacrifices had been consumed by the holy fire of God's glory and presence, Solomon led the people into seven days of feasting, followed by a Solemn Assembly on the eighth day in which people came before the Lord in a grand finale of repentance, surrender, and worship.

We can only imagine how exhausted Solomon might have been by the time he went to bed that night . . . and how overwhelmed with gratitude, thanksgiving, and praise he must have been.  You and I have probably tasted just a bit of that on occasion when we've seen God at work in a particular church service or a series of services . . . there is a strange sense of contented pleasure, satisfaction, and deep gratitude and peaceful thanksgiving over the goodness of God. 

It was at that moment, . . . after all the public celebration and ceremony, in the silence of the night . . . that God spoke to Solomon. 


"If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and my people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 

"Now My eyes shall be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.  For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that My name may be there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually. 

"And as for you, if you walk before Me as your father David walked even to do according to all that I have commanded you and will keep My statutes and My ordinances, then I will establish your royal throne as I covenanted with your father David, saying 'You shall not lack a man to be ruler in Israel.' 

"But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you and shall go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot you from My land which I have given you, and this house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight, and I will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples. 

"As for this house, which was exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say, 'Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house.'  And they will say, 'Because they forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers, who brought them from the land of Egypt, and they adopted other gods and worshiped them and served them, therefore He has brought all this adversity on them.'"

You see, dear friend, one verse of scripture seldom has the impact it should have when taken from its setting and used as a simple "hot button" to call people back to God.  In order to see the seriousness of that verse, you must see it within its setting.  And, even though this passage deals specifically with Israel at a point in time in its history, it also has great significance to us in our day because of the major principles that are embedded within it.

Like ancient Israel, America has also had a birth of struggle and hardship.  We came out of bondage from the "Pharaoh" of England under whose tyranny we suffered as slaves.  We have gone through the various stages of development where God brought us out and led us through a series of "Moses" figures, and then gave us (by divine intent in my opinion) the greatest founding documents ever put together by human hands . . . the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Bill of Rights, and the United States Constitution . . . ALL of which, by the way, are founded upon the principles of the Ten Commandments and the Mosaic and Levitical Law.  No other founding legal documents ever written are founded so securely on God's Word as is ours.  And, this is one reason why I believe God has so blessed this land for over 400 years.

God has also taken us through incredible struggles and difficulties as our nation has grown from infancy into adolescence and into adulthood, facing tragedies, wars not of our choosing, and even a heartbreaking civil war among brothers of the same land.  We have lost hundreds of thousands to war.  At the same time we have been blessed by God like few nations ever have.  And, just as with Israel, our prosperity and successes often led us to pride and arrogance that only the stern retributive hand of God could break.

Likewise, just as with Israel, the further removed from our birth and the God of our birth we became, the less we have remembered Him, and the more arrogant and self-sufficient we have become.  Through those unpredictable years, God has called us back and, for the most part, we have returned to Him in some degree.  A nation born out of a Great awakening as Israel was born out of their own spiritual awakening to the God of their fathers, we enjoyed God's deliverance and prosperity.  Again, however, just as Israel often wandered away from God, we did the same as our blessings turned into bane.  And, every time that cycle was repeated, our repentance was less genuine, our return was less complete, and our obedience more short-lived.

Little by little, God has become less and less important to us, Christians have become more and more compromising, worldly conduct has been increasingly condoned, and our sense of responsibility has been replaced by expectations of rights.  We have erected our own gods to replace the One we rejected.  We first neglected and disrespected our godly heroes, then we rejected His commands from our schools.  Whenever His Word is rejected, the next automatic step is to abandon His value on human life, which we have done more than 52 million times since 1967.  All that we have rejected of our Judeo-Christian values we have replaced with secularism and a socialistic mind set.  Instead of allowing God to be our ruler and our provider, we are allowing our government to be both.  Just as naturally as night following day, when God's influence is reduced, man's craving for power increases.

So, it is little wonder that we find ourselves in desperate need for our God Whom we have rejected.  Even our churches have rejected Him . . . the real God of the Bible . . . replacing Him with a very poor substitute.  Most who call themselves Christians do not believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, the majority do not read it daily, most do not believe in a literal heaven and hell or the virgin birth of Christ, and far too many think they can work their way to salvation because God could never be an evil God who punishes people for merely being human.

Why, then, are we so alarmed that we are now surrounded by the hounds . . . not of heaven, but the hounds of hell nipping at our heels, encircling us with their fatal fangs of destruction.

We have brought it upon ourselves.

And we who claim the name of Christ are the most guilty . . . because we have known better, and we did it anyhow.

Do not blame the unbelievers for our plight.  We have done it to ourselves by our superficial undisciplined Christian living.


One good thing can be said for where we are morally as a nation and spiritually as the Body of Christ . . . the answer is the same -- the formula has not changed.

"If My People . . . "

Just as there is a cycle that Israel went through from degeneration to redemption, so there is for us as well.  Just as this cycle has played itself out in every nation, there is also a sequence that leads to rescue.  Beginning with prosperity, we find the following, simplified here for the sake of time and space:

Prosperity eventually leads to Presumption.  We begin taking things for granted.  Presumption leads to Problems because the more we presume, the more we neglect the fundamental principles that made us great.  In our case, it is the principles of our governing documents that are rooted in God's Word.  Problems that are prolonged will create Discontent.  Discontentment generally will eventually give rise to a new Determination to try to change things.  Unfortunately, this Determination doesn't last long because we soon see how our renewed efforts again fail, not realizing that actually determination itself is not the solution.  Therefore, this Determination eventually breeds confused Disillusionment.  Given time, Disillusionment eventually creates outward Dissatisfaction with the way things continue to be. 

But, be of good cheer, because God is bringing us to that one place that will be a turning point . . . because Dissatisfaction, when given enough time, ultimately leads to Desperation.  That's where God wants us; He works best in those who are desperate the most.

Being desperate is the point where a major decision is about to take place . . . we will either turn to God, . . . or we will turn to someone or something else.  Desperation is the churning cauldron from which we come either in Brokenness or in Rebellion.  God's intent through this entire process is that Brokenness is our state, and Repentance is our Decision.  And, when repentance . . . True repentance . . . comes, healing and restoration begin.  If, on the other hand, Rebellion comes out of the fire, then God sends us through still more hardship and suffering . . . until we are either broken, or living in such reprobation that we must be removed.

So, . . . what does our future in America look like?  Where do you think we are in the sequence?  I wish I could say we are desperate, but we are not.  Dissatisfied and angry?  Yes.  But, even Christians are by and large not desperate yet.  Too many still think the solution is a new President in November.  They don't know that we have who we have because we chose who we chose.  And, we chose who we chose because we are spiritually the way we are.  God gave us just what we asked for . . . because we stopped asking for Him.  Like Israel of old, instead of asking for God, we asked for a king . . . and we got one.

Don't go blaming Democrats or Republicans for our plight.  We turned our back on the God Who brought us into being, so we should expect nothing other than what we have.  It's a simple law of nature . . . what one generation tolerates in moderation, the next generation practices in excess.  We've had at least six generations in a row who have done just that.


Let's review the sequence of Debauchery . . .
    >  Prosperity leads to Presumption.
    >  Presumption leads to Problems.
    >  Problems lead to Discontent.
    >  Discontentment leads to Determination.
    >  Determination leads to Disillusionment.
    >  Disillusionment leads to Dissatisfaction.
    >  Dissatisfaction will hopefully produce Desperation.
    >  Desperation will hopefully bring us to Brokenness rather than rebellion.
    >  We can only pray that Brokenness will bring us to Repentance . . .

And God is waiting for us there.

"[If] my people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

". . . HUMBLE themselves . . ."

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to skip that first one and try to move on?  We will pray, . . . seek God's face, . . . and even turn from wicked ways.  But, Humble themselves???  Never! 

You cannot skip a step in God's order.  We'll never turn from our wicked ways unless we first choose to seek His face instead of our wicked ways.  We'll never seek His face apart from prayer . . . it's an absolute impossibility.  And, we'll never pray . . . until we have to . . . until we humble ourselves . . . until we're are broken before God.

So, do you want to see America restored?  Do you want to see the Church revitalized and effective again?  Do you want to genuinely be salt and light in your circle of influence again?  Do you want to see the whole world hear about the Lord Jesus Christ before He returns?

The answer is simple . . . and still the same.  ". . . God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  Humble yourself, therefore, under the mighty Hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time!" (I Pet 5:5-6)

The only thing that will rescue America is God's gracious response to a broken, contrite, people . . . His people.

"If My People . . . We Won't, . . . But We Must!"

The first issue to address in this series is simple . . . "If My people called by My name will Humble themselves . . . "

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob Tolliver -- Romans 1:11
Copyright September, 2012
Life Unlimited Ministries

"Never forget that life is not about you.  You exist for God's purposes only, not visa versa." -- Unknown


If this letter has blessed you, feel free to forward it, with proper credits, to any and all you wish.

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REMEMBER ---- He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.  He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

The natural cure for an ill-administration, in a popular or representative constitution, is a change of men. -- Alexander Hamilton




It's our desire to provide you links to helpful resources.  However, the contents of these sites do not necessarily represent the views we personally hold.  These are sites we have found helpful in the past for various topics, and want you to know about them.  Use at your own discretion.

+  Freedoms Under Fire:
>  At DNC in Charlotte -- Muslims, o.k.; Christians, Nope! --
    >  Heading our way from Europe and almost here --
    >  Free Speech -- Distasteful video still to be protected --
    >  Right To Bear Arms --

+  Another Great Movie Coming Up:  Praise God for the unexplainable increase in top quality, family-friendly and often Christian-based movies . . . such is one released this week-end, "The Last Ounce of Courage".  All reviews so far have been extremely positive.  For example, . . .

+  Global Persecution of Christians:
    >  A Global Glance --
    >  In Pakistan --
    >  In U.S.A. --
    >  In Russia -- (Church building destroyed in middle of night)
    >  In Afghanistan, but Gospel still spreads --

+  Prepare For The End:  Iran's Grand Ayatollah Khomene has told the Iranian citizens to prepare for the soon end of the world.

+  Lots of Talk About This:  In His NYT Bestselling book, The Harbinger, the author, messianic Jew Jonathan Cahn believes he has stumbled onto a major key that unfolds coming catastrophic events to America that began with the 9/11/2001 attack on the World Trade Center.  He says that not only did "Ground Zero" represent the economic center of the United States, but it was also the exact location where President George Washington dedicated the United States to God.  When to book became so popular, it was then developed into a documentary film called "The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment".  Both items are based on prophecies and events in the life of ancient Israel that have disturbing parallels to America.  Whether you agree or not, the proposals give cause to serious consideration.  You can learn more about the idea, as well as one source for purchasing them two items, at

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