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"Show and Tell" Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Show and Tell"
For show and tell, a seven-year-old girl invited her 95-year- old
great-grandmother to class.
She told the children she'd taught in a one-room schoolhouse.
She described how she had snowshoed to school across fields
when the snow was deep and said that sometimes the farmer
she boarded with allowed her the use of a horse.
She told the children she taught eight grades at once, that each day an
older student came early to light the potbellied stove, that desks were
built for two, and that there were inkwells and an outhouse.
Finally, she asked if there were any questions.
One eager boy's hand shot up. "Do you still have the horse?" he asked.
When Vickie was in the fifth grade she looked downcast, so her
teacher asked, "What's the problem, Vickie? I hope it's not
homework again."
"Well, uh, yes it is." replied Vickie. "I was stupid and made
my homework paper into a paper airplane."
"Vickie, you're right that wasn't a very bright thing to do,"
said the teacher, "but this once I'll let you just unfold the
paper and hand it in."
"Oh, but that won't work," said Vickie, looking even sadder.
"You see, the plane was hijacked."
"Predicting the Future"
Tommy and  Bobby were walking home from school and began comparing their parents.
“My mom can tell the future,” said Tommy.
“No way,” said Bobby.
“Sure,” said Tommy. “All she has to do is take one look at my report card, and she can tell me what my dad’ll do to me when he gets home.”
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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