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Some encouraging news!

Posted by: JoYayaya <JoYayaya@...>

First of all...thank you so much to everyone who replied to my first message and to everyone how has prayed for me and my husband and family.   This list has been a real blessing already and I'm so glad I found it.

We were away last weekend at my in laws home in Virginia Beach and had a wonderful weekend.  Stacy (my husband) and I even had a good hour long discussion with his parents that was very enlightening to our marriage.  You see alot of times our arguments are over child rearing...he was raised in a very strick military family as his father spent many years in the Navy...and I was raised in a more relaxed atmosphere, yet had wonderful parents and a very good disciplined and loving home.  So to have the chance to sit down with his mom and dad and discuss such matters really helped!  We have been communicating so much better since and I have great hope it will continue! (Praise God!)  

I feel so incredibly blessed that God has given me a "second chance" at living a life that is pleasing to him.  God has truly blessed me with a wonderful husband and another beautiful well as the work he has done in my 8 yr old daughter's heart.  She is full of love and compassion for our new family and is a wonderful big sister.  Praise be to God for loving a sinner.  I honestly sometimes cannot believe how blessed I feel today...I truly feel God's good grace and unconditional love and I so long to be like Christ and share those same qualities.

Oh here comes the exciting see, my husband is a Police/911 dispatcher and he works with this woman named Karen who is a Christian!  She and I have met and have talked and let me just tell you, there are no accidents in the kingdom of God! I truly believe God put Karen at the place my husband works!  She has been witnessing to him in a big way and he has been very open to her.  She and her church group have been making trips to New York City to witness to the volunteers and workers there since September 11th.  This has been a "common thread" for she and Stacy as Stacy has always had a big interest in Firefighters as he was a paid firefighter in for 8 years earlier in life.  He also spent many years photographing Firefighters in action and Fire apparatus, as well as spending much time photographing New York City and the Fire Department there.  So Karen and he have had many a discussions about the witnessing she has done in NYC and she has given him booklets about putting our faith in God after such a tragedy.  If any good things have come out of the 9/11 tragedies...this is one of them!  It has been a real blessing...albeit it bittersweet.   Karen has been a true blessing, Praise be to God for putting his servants in just the right place at just the right time!  

Today Stacy called me from work and told me that Karen invited us to go to her church for a Valentine's Dinner/Program and he sounded really interested and excited to go and wanted to know if I wanted to go and I said I would love to go!  I'm very excited at the potential this program has and how it might reach his heart...that there will be a special message, special music that the Holy Spirit will speak so strongly to Stacy's heart that he might be saved!   I realize it may not happen that quickly...but this dinner can only be a good thing no matter how we look at it.  So please, if you would, please pray with me for my husband and for this opportunity for him to hear God's word and begin a living, breathing, relationship with Jesus.  

Thank you again....Love in Christ, Jo