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Posted by: root <root@...>

A man was going up to bed, when his wife told him
he'd left the light on in the garden shed - she could
see it from the bedroom window. But he said that he
hadn't been in the shed that day. He looked himself,
and there were people in the shed, stealing things.
He rang the police, but they told him that no-one
was in his area, so no-one was available to catch the
thieves. He said ok, hung up, counted to 30 and rang
the police again.
"Hello. I just rang you a few seconds ago because
there were people in my shed? Well, you don't have to
worry about them now, I've just shot them all."
Within five minutes there were half a dozen police
cars in the area, an Armed Response unit, the works.
Of course, they caught the burglars red-handed.
One of the policemen said to this man: "I thought
you said you'd shot them!"
He replied: "I thought you said there was no-one

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