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South African man shoots PC

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South African man shoots PC

South Africa is a very dangerous place to live if you are a computer.

One PC so outraged its South African user that the man took his gun out and
shot it - repeatedly. A colleague who witnessed the IT rage tantrum said the
killer shot the machine "to smithereens" out of sheer frustration.

This wanton attack came to light after a survey by Symantec and South African
news service ITWeb into the growing epidemic of worldwide PC abuse.

Around 43 per cent of South Africans said they got angry when their computer
played up. Two thirds had a "multiple abuse reaction" - 25 per cent swore or
screamed at the offending machine, while another 20 per cent chose to walk

However, this was relatively restrained compared to the Brits. Of those who
experienced PC rage, nearly two thirds admitted swearing at their computer and
22 per cent said they hit their computer - with seven per cent causing damage.

According to Symantec, one respondent to the survey got so angry with his PC he
ran over it in his 4WD.

He showed a visiting Symantec consultant round the back of his house "where
broken parts from the old monitor were scattered all over the lawn" after
making contact with the wheels of the vehicle.