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Special Edition Clean Hewmor Nov. 11 2003

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

                     November 11
                     Veterans Day
                  Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day or, in the USA, Veterans Day (the 11th of November) marks the signing of the armistice to signal the end, at 11 a.m. on 11th November 1918, of World War One, "the War to end all Wars". The dead of World War II and Korea, and of all other wars are also remembered. In Britain, Canada and much of the Commonwealth, and in France, Belgium and other parts of Europe, it is observed with a two minutes silence. Government and banks close in Canada. Paper poppies are sold in England and Canada, the proceeds going to war veterans. In the USA, it is observed as a legal holiday. Wreaths of poppies are laid at the Cenotaph in USA and in Canada.
Bless Our Veterans

 Veterens / Rememberance Day Thru The Eyes Of Children
Dear Veterans,

These thoughts and sentiments were written exactly as the first grade children spoke them.
We hope as you read them, you feel honored and appreciated for being the heroes and heroines that you are. It is people like you who make our country great.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Dear: Veteran, 
 My Grandpa was in the war and he didn't die.
Thank you for saving our freedom and our lives.
Dear Veterans,
Thank you for my picture you 'll see the
 Wall for the Viet Nam veterans.
 Gratefully, Tim
Dear Veterans,
Thank you for being a veteran.
I'm happy that you're alive.
From Michelle
 Dear: Veteran, 
 Hello! My name is Laura and I would like to talk to you about the war.  
Peace to me means happiness. When World War 2 ended, you and a lot of other people gave this peace to a lot of Canadians. A lot of people lived, but also a lot of people died. I think that all people who went to war are amazing and I’m very glad that they gave our country peace.  
Thank you very much for doing that for doing that for everybody. We are learning about this subject and I think that the poem  “In Flanders Field” is very nice.  
My grandfather fought in the World War 2 and he is still alive. I am very glad that he lived, and I am also very glad that you lived.  
Thank you very very much for reading my letter! 
Take care
Dear Sir or Madame,  
My name is Hayley and I am in grade six French Immersion. I attend Ecole Rockingham School in Halifax. 
  I had a great-uncle who served in World War Two, his name was Earl Duffett. I remember visiting him in the veterans’ home. My great-uncle had five medals. He got one for volunteering to go to war. 
Thank you so much for risking your lives to help keep our country free.
I have one question, have you ever been to Flanders Fields?
I’ve always dreamed of going there.
I think it would be a beautiful scene.
Yours truly, 
Dear Veterans: 
My name is Julia and  I’m 11 years old  and I’m in grade 6 . 
I’m writing to you about how thankful I am that you went to war to help your country and what you believe in. I know how hard it must be to leave your family and children to go to war.  My grandfather went to war and he is still here today. 
I think it’s a good idea to celebrate Remembrance Day on Nov 11 when World War 1 ended. 
Why did you want to go to war or help people in the war?                             
When did you go to war?    
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
 Bye for now,
Dear Veteran,
Hi my name is Tyler. I go to Ecole Rockingham School. 
When you went to war did you have any training at all? What did you do? Did you fly on a plane or were you on a ship? When you found out that the war was over how did you feel? Were you in the First World War, Second or Korean? When you found out that you had to go to war how did you feel? It’s been a long time since the war so how has it been with life? How did you feel when you left the war and you weren’t sure whether all of your friends and family survived?
Thanks for your time,  
 Dear Veteran: 
Hi my name is Blair.
My grandfather fought in the war. He is still living, but my great uncle died. I was named after him. Even though I am a girl I still like the name because it has history. Like my uncle’s middle name is Blair and Lauclin Blair Mackay was the person he was named after, and his mother’s name was Mary Blair or something like that.
I’m also writing to you because I’m thanking you for fighting for us to show that’s they (people who started the war) were wrong. Hopefully all of us will forget about the past to start wars.
My grandfather wrote a small book about the Royal Canadian Air Force. On the cover is says: “ Only the forgotten are truly dead,” I think that that is the best sentence I’ve ever heard.
Thank you so much. Bye! 
Dear Veterans: 
I just want to say thank you for fighting for us and giving us freedom.
For a happy life, a good education, for a good meal at our table.
You fought wars bravely for us and we are all very thankful!
I’m sorry that you had to get injured or lose friends. 
Thank you again,         
Tarek, 6 Cunningham
Dear Veteran, 
My name is Shannon. I’m 11 years old, I go to Rockingham school and I’m in grade 6. 
We have been learning about the war and Remembrance Day.  
In my opinion, I think that you were very brave when you served in the war.
I don’t think I could ever have the guts to serve in the war, unless I was doing it for the ones I love and for our country. 
I just want to say thank you for saving us and our country. 
Thank you for having the courage to go to the war and to fight for our freedom. 
Thank you for your time.
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In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
      In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
      In Flanders fields.
Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, WWI, 1918
This Veteran's / Rememberance Day and every day,
Don't forget the veterans,
The men and women who fought so bravely
In WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War,
Peacekeeping & now Afghanistan,
To protect our precious freedom!
Dave and Barbara

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