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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends:
I am asking your to come before the Father right now with a special need.
Some of our very dear colleagues here in Kiev have received devastating news that some of their best friends in America have been found shot to death.  May I please urge you to pray for Joel, Mary Ellen, their family, the family members of the victims, and the church in New Albany, Indiana.
It is at times like this when hours seem to be days and miles seem like galaxies.  You cannot imagine what goes through the hearts of missionaries when they discover the reality of tragedy and heartbreak, but can do nothing but pray because time and distance separate them the greatest from those who are suffering the most.
Here are excerpts from e-letters we received from Mary Ellen.  Most people will not know them, but they are your brother and sister.  Please hold them before the Father.
Letter #1 ---- Our very close friends, Wayne and Shelby, have been found murdered.  At this point we don't know who or what...police are there.  This couple have been very close friends for years and when Joel and I left to come over here they kind of became our kids stand in parents.  They do all of the holiday, birthday, etc with each of our children and grandchildren.
I cannot imagine how hard this is on them right now...especially with us over here. And they had children and grandchildren as well.
This has really hit Joel hard.
Letter #2 ---- Our very good friends who have stepped in to be the resident parents for our kids while we are over seas were found shot while ago.  The worst possible scenario has evidently occurred...they believe he shot her and himself.  Our children and pastor are with their daughter and her family right now.  Please pray for them as well.  Everyone is in shock. We have talked to all three of our "kids" and they are all devastated and shocked.  I must say this is about the hardest we've been hit since coming to the mission field.

Thank you again for praying.
Thanks for praying.
Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

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