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Special LUMglobal prayer request ---- 9/2/09

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:
As you know from our letters, we had the joy of seeing ministries to Farsi and Arabic speakers develop through the international church we planted in Kyiv.  In the past two years the Farsi work has expanded to include four strategic cities in the country.
This morning we received the following prayer request from "M", the leader/pastor of that work, asking that we pray for a special evangelism project scheduled for this coming week-end.  We have posted the request below, making in generic of course for security reasons.
We'd be deeply grateful if you'd pray often for this endeavor.  Everytime the guys engage in one of these projects there is usually an immediate harvest and then subsequent harvest from the seed planted.
You have no idea what great risks these fellow believers take everytime they share the Gospel with fellow countrymen . . . even in Ukraine.  Several months ago Iran sent a major "big name" mullah to Kyiv to try to counter the power of the Gospel among Iranians in Ukraine.  His efforts include Islamic "evangelism", intimidations, threats, and even reports on those who have trusted in Christ.
Thanks for praying.  Someday we hope we can share some of the stories of many who have come to Christ through this work.
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Dear Kingdom Partners,

"Mother T" has arrived [in city #1] from Germany, and has brought around 3000 Farsi New Testament with her. This coming weekend, she, "F" and I are going to go to [city #2] to do a major Evangelism among Iranians in hostels and universities. We take 500 Bibles with us on a van and drive all the way down to [city #2].
Besides a major "Door to Door Evangelism"  we are going to strengthen the believers there. We have targeted schools and the hostels where Iranian lives. We have also stamped each Bible with the name of our Farsi website, an additional email address and a phone number for those who are interested in getting back with us.
 We'll leave Fri early morning and spend Sat and Sun in [city #2]. Early Mon morning, we'll leave [city #2] and by afternoon, we should be back in [city #1]. Please pray for the followings:

 +  Lord would guide us throughout the trip
+   We wouldn't encounter trouble makers
+  We would be wise and bold in sharing the Good News.

 +  Traveling Mercy - we have to drive about 500 Km on a road we have never driven before
In Him,


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Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries

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