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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:
A week or so ago I sent a special prayer request concerning the safety and welfare of some of our Farsi speaking friends in the city where we served as missionaries for six years.
Sunday evening I received a letter from "M" with an update.  It contains both good news and bad news.  He and the other guys in that city are safe and doing well.  However, one of the young men in a Farsi group in another city within the country is in great danger, including the possibility of losing his life for the sake of Christ.  I baptized this young man two years ago, so this situation is of special concern to Jo Ann and me.
Here are excerpts of "M's" letter.  Please make this a matter of great prayer.  Things could happen as quickly as Monday.
We believe the Lord has answered our prayers! Thank you for your love,care, prayers and supports. We also deeply appreciate other people's help. God has showed us again and again that he neither leaves nor forsakes His children.

Praise the Lord, we're still safe and fine here. I saw the attack in the Metro a part of the spiritual warfare we've been going through since we have shared with that Mullah. I think what we did irritated the Enemy so very much that when I left the meeting with that Imam and was on my way back home,  I was suddenly attacked. I'm glad that I'm fine now!

I have a bad News too. You might remember one of the people with whom we had shared the gospel in [city] and had believed about 2 years ago. If you recall, he's the one that had ridden on an all night train from [city] in order to come to [our city], and as they arrived on a Sunday morning, you baptized him in [church's] baptistery along with others (I think along with "F", but not sure). Any how, he ended up going back to [his home country] to see his father, and he was arrested in the airport and has been put to jail. I have heard his passport was not valid as well.

Anyway, He should have had a court session this morning but as his father has informed few believers here, it's put off for tomorrow. In the court, there's a high chance that the would be judged as an apostate and therefore the government will put him to death. He might be given a chance to renounce his faith.
But no one knows what will happen to him. Please pray for him. His name is "D".

We thank you again for your care and attention to us. May the Lord bless you abundantly.

Thanks for making this a matter of serious intercession.

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