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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

I am running far behind in projects this week, but need to send you this special prayer request.
As you remember, Jo Ann and I leave next Wednesday on a ministry trip to Cuba by a necessary layover in Mexico to satisfy U.S. regulations on travel to Cuba.  This is a normal and acceptable process, so we're not breaking the law.
However, two things have happened that have really increased the cost of the trip significantly, and we find ourselves with the trip not fully funded.
First, because it is during the annual "Spring Break" season in Cancun where we transition on to Cuba, we were unable to get seats later in the week, and have had to fly in a couple of days earlier than planned.  This has increased the cost of our stay in Cancun.
Second, we have also found that our medical insurance will not cover Cuba, so we must take out extra traveler's insurance, which is quite expensive.
So, please pray with us about this shortfall.  With our regular monthly ministry support having dropped by 40% or more since our return to the States, there is nothing there to cover the shortfall.
If in the process you feel you want to help in this area, please give us a call at 417-275-4854 or on my cell phone at 417-693-5149, or e-mail us at  God has always been faithful in the past, and we know He will continue to be in this circumstance.
If I have time before we leave, we'll send a regular letter in the next few days.
In the meantime, please also pray for "M" and Ira.  Their baby was due last Saturday, Jo Ann's birthday, but we've had no word yet on the status.  Pray that all is well.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
Life Unlimited Ministries

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