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Speeding Down The Higway

Posted by: <@...>

Speeding Down The Higway

There was a young blonde lady driving down the center of the road at 100

A police officer pulled her over to the side of the road.

When she had stopped, the officer asked, "License and Registration

"It's okay, Officer, I have a special license that allows me to do this,"
she said smiling.

"That's impossible!" The officer replied, "I've never heard of such a

To which the driver reached into her purse and handed him her license.

Astonished, the Officer said, "Just as I suspected. This is an ordinary
license, I see nothing here that would allow you special consideration."

She pointed to the bottom of the license, "See? it says so right here,
'Tear Along The Dotted Line'."


"An amazing invention-but who would want to use one?"
-President Rutherford B. Hayes, after making a telephone call
from Washington, D.C., to Philadelphia in 1876.