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Posted by: shandley <shandley@...>

Good Morning Ladies,
We have been having an eventful few days here.
The fluorecent lights in our barn caught fire. Fortunately I smelled that horrible electric smell. I shut the main power to the barn off, and callled my husband and asked him to come home.
My husband works away and quite often is not home at night. Any glitch in my day really messes me up.
When we turned the main power back on the wires hissed and two lights caught fire. This is really strange as the original barn burnt 7 years ago in January right around this time. My In-Laws rebuit the barn before we bought the farm. The wiring is all new, the barn is all new...very strange.
Anyway everyone and everything seems to be okay.
Last night in the middle of a freezing rain storm my goat Glitter had a buck kid, he is so cute. I have not been to the barn yet (my husband and oldest boys are out doing chores for me). I don't know if any more arrived in the night. Chances are not likely, as I watched her pass the afterbirth. She just seems very large for only one babe.
I have not had a chance to sift through all the emails and prayer requests yet, but I will sometime today.
  I am trying to get my year-end for farm and business done as our accountant is coming on January 31.

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